Chapter 2 - "So we Meet Again"

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You calmly opened your eyes. The sun glistening through the small window. You covered your eyes quickly and groaned. "Hey sleepy head!" A familiar voice called out calmly from beside you. "Kyle, are we here?" You asked looking towards him with tired eyes. He nodded. "We're about to land, check this out!" Kyle answered gesturing you to come look. You glanced out the window and gasped. A huge island with a beautiful landscape with big structures and rides covering half of the island. Your heart raced. You were very exhilarated. "Excited huh?" Kyle asked smirking down at you. You rolled your eyes, not even looking away from the window. "Not only that, but I can finally see a good friend of mine from many years ago." You replied. "Oh really, maybe I can meet him this week." Kyle mumbled towards you. You shrugged.

 The plane finally landed and your brother was already racing out towards the exit. "Again!?" You mumbled to yourself grabbing your bags and even Maxwell's. "You need a hand?" Kyle asked. You huffed and shook your head. Maxwell waited outside the exit for you as you were left to carry everything. Good thing his bag was light enough for you to carry. Kyle and you padded out of the exit and placed your bags on the ground. "I'd never thought I'd say this but it is hot!" You said fanning yourself. Kyle nodded, searching around the place. "Well, we better get to our hotel." You said, grabbing Maxwell's hand gently. "See you soon maybe?" You asked Kyle. Kyle starred at you, but then nodded. After that, you two went your own separate ways.

 Maxwell was glancing around the park, a grin plastered on his face. "Can we go on the rides after we settle in the hotel?" Maxwell asked, twitching a bit from the excitement. You sighed. "Fine, but only a few rides, I need to go see Owen." You answered. Maxwell raised an eyebrow. "Does he know you're here?" Maxwell asked. You shrugged. "That's why I am going to go see him." You replied as you two entered a hotel, not realizing it was a VIP hotel. Both of your jaws dropped. The hotel was huge and was gorgeous. The glass dinosaurs were well polished as well. You headed towards the desk and looked down at the women who was sitting down, typing away on the computer. She glanced at you, and gave you a warm welcoming smile. "How may I help you miss?" She asked. "Hello, I applied for a job here, I am (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)." You told the women. The women started to type again. "Yes, you're on the VIP list." You nodded. The women got up from her chair and headed towards a back door. After about three minutes of waiting, she came out with a pair of keys that had a little raptor key chain with your full name. She also had clothes that were nicely folded. "Your room is on the seventh floor, it tells you your room number on the key chain, Also those are the clothes you will be wearing when you go to work." The women said, handing the keys and the clothing to you. You thanked the lady and headed towards the elevator. Your brother looked up at you with a confused expression. You replied to him with a shrug and waited. "Can I come with you to see the raptors?" Maxwell asked, giving you the puppy eyes. "No, it's way to dangerous for you!" You replied. He crossed his arms. "Finnee." He whined, heading out of the elevator once the doors swung open. You giggled, and followed him.

  It took awhile to find your room but you finally found it since the hotel is so huge, it's like a maze. Your room was small, but also very beautiful and clean. It also came with a nice balcony that had clear glass covering it. Everything about this hotel was amazing. You've never encountered anything more beautiful than this place. Who wouldn't want to live here? You thought. But that made you wonder. Oh on. You totally forgot! You forgot to see Owen. You raced over towards the clothes the women gave to you and headed towards the bathroom.

  You opened the door swiftly and looked at Maxwell. "You look nice in that outfit!" Maxwell complimented. You smiled and thanked him. "Listen, I have to go so I am going to lock the door." You continued. "I am leaving you with the keys and don't open the door to anyone alright?" You asked. Leaving him alone sent shivers down your spine. He nodded. You locked the door and raced out of the room and headed downstairs. The women at the desk glanced up at you, smiling. "You look so adorable, don't worry you're not late, I called Claire once you guys headed upstairs, she's here." The women said pointing outside. "Who's Claire?" You mumbled to yourself heading out the door. You didn't want to be rude but you opened the car door without thinking. "Hello, I suggest you're (Y/N)." A female voice said. You glanced at a young women that wore all white and had short, light brown hair. You smiled and nodded. She held out her hand. "I am Claire." You shook her hand gently. "Nice outfit." She said as she started the engine and drove out of the park. "Where are we going, Claire?" You asked. "We're going to see your friend, Owen." She said smiling at you and looking back at the road. "How did you know we were friends, not to be rude." You asked. "Well, he would talk about you nonstop, not in a romantic way." Claire continued. "He would always mumble to himself asking if you forgot about him." You smiled, realizing he didn't forget you. "I thought he forgot about me." You replied. Claire's smile widened. "So, how long have you two been separated?" Claire asked. "About ten years, we've known each other since we were babies after that we haven't seen each other." you answered. "I really want to see his reaction when he sees you." Claire said. You giggled slightly and looked up at the trees.

 After about twenty minutes of driving, Claire pulled up into a drive way. You glanced at her side and out the window. There stood a very small house. The wood outside was all chipped up which made you raise an eyebrow. Claire got out of the car and called out "Owen, someone here wants to meet you!" After that was said, a man walked out of the house. You gasped. "Who?" He asked. You opened the car door and glanced up at him.

  "(Y/N, is that really you?" Owen asked. You wanted to cry. It felt like an eternity since you've last seen him. He rushed down the steps and ran towards you. Bringing you into a tight embrace. "You don't know how I long I have missed you!" Owen said. You glanced at Claire who was smirking devishly. You rolled your eyes. Claire giggled and cleared her throat. "Owen, she has taken the job to help you out with the raptors, are you going to show her?" Claire asked smiling up at him. "Oh right, hop on my motorcycle and we can go." Owen said as he hopped on his motorcycle and started the engine. The motor roared. After you hopped on, you yelped as he pushed the petal ((I think, I am not good with vehicles in stories)) Without warning.

  "So, how are the raptors are they friendly?" You asked. "You'll see don't worry." Owen answered. You glanced at the ocean as your hair glistened in the sunlight.

  A few minutes even though it felt like thirty minutes, the two of you finally arrived at a huge structure that had huge, strong concrete walls. "We're here." Owen said as the both of you hopped off. Owen gestured you to follow so you did. "Now, you have to be patient and steady when you come across one of the raptors." Owen told you. "What happens when something terrible happens?" You asked. Owen glanced at you. "Well." He paused and opened a gate door. "Game over I believe." He answered as he pressed a button and the gate slowly opened upwards. "You ready to meet them?" Owen asked. "What, I just got here and I am already about to get eaten." You said. Owen laughed. "No, that's not going to happen when I am around." You were even more scared. You didn't even want to look at one. As the both of you entered, you looked around. "Where is everyone?" You asked, glancing up at Owen. "Oh, they are dead." Owen teased. Your eyes widened. "What!?" You yelled but not to loud. Owen laughed once again. "No, I am just yanking your chain, they're all taking a break and it's hot out as well." He said. You punched his arm playfully. "Alright, where are they." Owen mumbled.

 The dead silence was filled with squealing noises. Not just any squealing noise, more of a dinosaur squeal. 'Oh god.' You thought as you looked around. That is until you heard loud thumping noises running towards you. Owen backed up towards you and held out his arms. "What are you doing?" You asked. "This is how I get them to stay put." You gasped. "Wait, that means their here?" Your heart beat racing. "Yup." Owen said. You felt like you were about to faint any second.

 Twigs breaking and cracking became louder as four dinosaurs barged out of a small jungle like forest.  They all yelped and stared at you. You hid behind Owen,your eyes widened with every step they took. They started yelping more, but looked like as if they were laughing. "Ok, since everyone is steady the blue raptor is Blue obviously." He joked. You laughed slightly. "The raptor that has the somewhat orange skin is Echo, the pale green one is Charlie and the dark green one is Delta." He continued. "Oh, Blue's the beta." Owen said as you glanced up at him. "Then who is the Alpha?" You asked. He glanced down at your confused expression.

                                                                 "You're looking at him."


OOOOHH (what o-o ) Jurassic World reference woot! Ok enough messing around X3

(This story is terrible... I will wright back when I have good ideas ^^)

Ok, I know that the raptors are female in the movie but I am going to use them as a males ^^

The link to what you were wearing is not working so i am going to describe it,

Your outfit looks similar to Owen's outfit but with creamish shorts, a pale blue t-shirt and black shoe laced boots

Human!Male!Jurassic World Raptors x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz