Chapter 5 - "Just Teasing"

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The picture up above is Male!Echo. (I do not own this image)

This little troublemaker pretty much loves to tease the others, but he is a sweet guy (or should I say raptor) on the inside. But he loves to tease you more. He finds your angry expressions adorable.


"Hey, Echo!" You whistled, but he ignored you. You sighed and turned over your shoulder towards Owen. "Hey Owen, can you please give me a hand?" You asked. Owen bolted towards you. "What's the problem?" He asked. You pointed down at Echo. Owen looked down at him. "He's not doing anything now." He said, perking his head up back at you. "What?" You looked down at Echo who was just watching you, tilting his head. "But he was just." You groaned. "I just finished feeding the raptors and they seem to be in a happy mood, want to take a walk?" Owen suggested. You nodded as the both of you headed down the ladder. The two of you wandered in a random direction but close to the walls.

  "You alright?" Owen asked, noticing your skin turning pale. "Yes, it's just hot out." You answered. "So, your friends tried to prank me last night." You said. Owen looked down at you. "What?" He stared down at you. "Ya, they pretended to be your raptors." You giggled, "Nice job." All Owen had was a very confused expression on your face. "You're really confusing me." He said. You tilted your head. 'What's his game?' You wondered. Owen shook his head. "(Y/N) are you sure you're alright, do you need water or something?" Owen questioned. "Ugh, nevermind." You responded as you glanced down at your feet. "No (Y/N), please tell me." Owen asked curiously. You sighed and looked up at him. "I don't know who they were but I believe you knew them." You continued. "Is that why you left early yesterday?" You gazed up him. Owen shook his head, he then opened his mouth to speak. "No, I don't do pranks." He sighed as he tilted his head back. He soon looked down at you once more. "Maybe you were dreaming, you want to get something to eat?" He asked, trying to change the subject. You nodded. "Alright come on." He replied as he trailed back towards the cage. You soon followed.

As the two of you finally reached the cage, Owen walked over towards his motorcycle. "Give me a moment (Y/N)." Owen called out to you. You stared at him for a moment before walking off to the cage, where Echo sat staring at you as if he was smirking. He looked like he had something in his mouth. 'What is that?' You wondered as you headed closer but kept your distance. It was. Your phone! "How did you!" You gasped. How on earth did he get your phone? You weren't even near him! He began to walk away slowly but kept his eyes on you, his tail swishing side by side. "Hey!" You wanted to run in there and snatch it from his jaws but the raptors were very active today. 'Oh no, it's gone now.' You thought as you trailed off back to Owen.

"Don't you want your phone back?" A husky voice spoke. You turned over your shoulder quickly as your eyes widened. "How did you get in there?" You asked, not taking your eyes off of him. He chuckled coldly as he placed the phone in his coat pocket. He was a handsome man, but you didn't like him. His hair was slightly messy, but a gorgeous blonde. The man wore a black jacket with an orange collar, his shirt was a pale gray. He also had black jeans with a metal chain that dangled on the right side. His sneakers were pure blood red.

"Give me that back!" You spoke as anger filled your eyes. "Feisty little kitten." He said as he poked your forehead, smirking devilishly at you. "Hey!" You yelled as you tried to grab your phone from his pocket which made him walk back. "You want it, come and get it." He teased. 'He is just like Echo.' You thought as you clutched onto the bars. He laughed, "What, scared?" He declared. "He did not." You mumbled as you smashed your fist onto the green button, making part of it crack. The door opened and you flung yourself at the man. "Give me my phone back!" You yelled. "Make me." He replied. His smirk grew bigger as he ran into the small forest. You took a step forward but paused. They were in there. 'Not going to die today.' You thought as you bolted towards the door.

But the door was blocked by none other than Charlie himself. He screeched at you as you covered your ears. He slowly walked towards you as he held his claws out, as if he was ready to rip out your intestines. You stared in horror as you took a step back. You tried your very best to call for Owen but you were so petrified, you could barely move your lips. A small whimper escaped your throat as a hand covered your eyes. "Help, Owe-!" A hand soon covered your mouth. "Hush!" The familiar voice rang through your ears. You blushed as you felt his breath against your ear as he removed his hand from your mouth. His hand still covering your eyes. "B-Blue." You stuttered. The male chuckled. "That's right." The wind started to pick up the speed as blue removed his hand from your eyes. Your eyes squinted as a large figure stood above you. It was Charlie? Your brain was trying to process on what was happening right now. Where did he come from?

Charlie made a low 'tch' sound as he held your chin up more with his index finger. "You again." He sounded annoyed. "I am supposed to be here it's my job." You snapped at him as you gathered up your courage. He growled once again as he took his index finger away from your chin. A laugh formed as you looked up. The man again. You scowled up at him as his legs dangled from the tree branch. "It's the little kitten again." He said as he hopped down. "Who are you." The way you asked sounded more like a command than a question. "The name's Echo, kitten." You gave him a blank stare. "W-What." You mumbled. He. He's Echo? "I am so confused." You stated. "Oh by the way." The man, Echo, said as he pulled out your phone. "Here." He said as he handed you your phone. "Umm, thank you." You muttered. "Don't mind him (Y/N), he likes to tease us as well." Blue declared. Echo grinned.

"Anyways, I am off to find Delta somewhere, see you later kitten." Echo said as he winked at you before trailing off.

You stared up at Blue who just gave a blank stare. "Blue..." "Charlie..." "Echo..." "Delta..." You mumbled those four names as Blue smirked down at you, realizing what you meant. They are the raptors.


OMG, this took like... 2-3 hours... Please tell me in the comment section below what you thought about this chapter. In any case I will see you all later!

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