Chapter 1

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I reached into my pocket and grasped the switchblade. It wasn't safe to be walking around my side of town without some form of defense. Especially at night.

That's when I saw the black car turn the corner with the hood down. You could tell by the way it wasn't souped up like the rest of the cars in my turf that it was from the other side of town.

The car stopped next to me and I saw four guys smiling at me.

I wrapped my fingers around my blade again but that's when I noticed the boy sitting in the backseat's green eyes catch mine.

I stared briefly at them for a few seconds then turned on my feet and ran.

"Where you goin' sweetie?" the one driving yelled.

I didn't turn around. I ran until I couldn't see their car anymore. I tripped and scraped my knee but got up and continued running. I stopped to catch my breath and walked the rest of the way to the house I shared with the gang.

I ran up the steps and opened the door to the sight of 4 guys sprawled across the ground watching something on our beat up television.

"Where've you been? Do you know what time it is?" my older brother Liam screamed at me eyeing my bleeding kneecap.

I ignored him and ran to my room shutting the door being thankful that the boys in the black car didn't chase me or worse.

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