Chapter 5

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Harry left and I started walking up to my house. I saw Liam and Niall sitting on the porch. I knew I was gonna get a lecture and just decided to suck it up and get it over with.

Liam put whatever he was reading down the second I stepped on the porch. "Who was that and where have you been?" He sternly asked.

"I was just hanging out with a friend from school," I half lied. There was no way I was telling Liam that I got jumped and that I was hanging out with one of the rich seniors from school.

Liam looked like he was thinking for a moment. "Listen," he starts. "I'm happy you're safe and that you had a friend who gave you a ride home but I still don't want you out so late anymore."

I sighed in relief when I realized he wasn't gonna give me lecture but then he continued by saying that I was grounded for the rest of the week until Saturday.

"What? Why?" I refuted.

"You'll go straight home from school with Niall everyday for the rest of the week and walk with him to school everyday," he said pointing to Niall. "I want to keep you out of trouble for at least one week. Can you do that?"

"Fine. Whatever," I mumbled and pushed past them into the house. I saw Louis and Zayn sitting at the table, arm wrestling.

"Is that the best you can do Tomlinson?" Zayn grunted with clenched teeth as Louis almost pushed his hand on the table. He then with a yell of victory slammed Louis' hand on the other side of the table and stood up punching the air with his fist.

"Round two tomorrow!" Louis pointed at him. He then saw me out of the corner of his eye. "Jazz! Where ya been?"

I ignored them, ran to my room and shut the door. I flopped down on my bed and threw my purse in the corner. I wasn't angry. I mean like now I had more time for schoolwork but I hated when people took away my freedom. I enjoyed my pride as that was the only thing I saw that had value to me.

Suddenly, my door opened and I saw Niall walk in and plop himself on the edge of my bed.

"Did you finish your homework?" He asked as he started bouncing up and down.

"Yeah, you?" I knew he didn't give a damn and he was just trying to talk to me.

"Nah, I'm gonna copy it from the smart kids tomorrow morning," he laughed.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. The next question slid out of my mouth before I could take it back. I didn't wanna get Niall into this. "Do you know anyone in your grade named Harry?"

He stopped bouncing and thought for a moment. "What does he look like? I know at least four Harry's in my grade. Or maybe their names are Henry. I don't really pay attention."

"Tall, brown curly hair, green eyes and wears rings."

"Is he like us?" Niall asked referring to if he was from our side of town.

"No he's from the other side."

"I think you're talking about Harry Styles maybe? Yeah I know of him. He hangs with all the other rich kids at school. Why? You have a crush on him or something?" He smiled, poking me.

"What? No! I just thought I saw him name on a poster or something at school." I defended swatting his hand away.

Niall laughed and stood up. "Well alright. I'm gonna sleep now. Goodnight." And he left my room.

I stared at my ceiling. I thought about having a crush on Harry. He was good looking; there was no doubt about that. And he was really nice to me and even made an attempt to be friends. Heck, he even saved my ass. But that would be a waste of my time. I would never have a chance with someone not part of our turf. People at school only went out with people within their social classes. It was an unspoken rule at my school.

I rolled my eyes, embarrassed at myself for even thinking I had a chance. I got up to get ready for bed secretly hoping I'd see Harry at school tomorrow.


an: if I have any mistakes I'm sorry because I normally write late at night and that's why I always update at 2am but give me your opinion on my story :)

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