Chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up and actually kind of wanted to go to school. Not for the hours of lectures obviously but because I wanted to see Harry. My first intention was to apologize and then try to be friends again. There was something about him that kept on making me want to talk to him. Was it because he was really cute? Or because he gave me attention and was the only person at school next to Niall who was actually nice to me? I couldn't tell but I just wanted to talk to him again.

I impatiently waited for Niall and even screamed at him to wake up because I wanted to go to school asap. I earned some complains from Zayn and Louis who were still sleeping but I didn't care. Finally Niall was ready and we started walking.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Niall called after me when he realized I was ten steps ahead of him.

"Uh, nothing. I just don't wanna be late," I lied.

"The bell doesn't ring for 20 minutes and we'll be there in five!"

He was right. There was no use rushing. I hated how I was so anxious to see Harry. I slowed down until Niall caught up and started walking at a normal pace.

"What's with you? You've been all jittery since dinner last night," Niall asked.

I was like this last night? I really needed to calm down. I barely even know Harry. I shouldn't be this nervous to see him.

I waved off his question as we finally arrived at school. We sat in our usual place as we waited for the bell to ring. Niall took out homework due next class that he refused to do last night and got to work on that. I scanned the area around me trying to see if he was near but I couldn't see him.

Harry's pov

I sat in my car instead of waiting with my friends outside for the bell to ring. I was tired staying up all night confused with my thoughts. I thought of reasons on why Jazz might've hated me. Did she think I was faking being nice to her? The idea also dawned on me that she was probably mad because I ignored her in the hall. I wanted to say hi to her but she was walking with that blonde guy I saw her with that same morning. What if that guy was her boyfriend? I didn't wanna bother her when she was with her boyfriend.

I could see her from my car. She was casually sitting on the fence and looking around at her surroundings; probably waiting for the bell to ring. Of course the blonde guy was sitting next to her. I looked at him closely as he scribbled stuff down from his book to his paper. Now that I got a closer look, I recognized him as the guy from my history class who sat by himself in the back and barely paid attention.

I didn't wanna admit that I was jealous of the blonde guy. Jazz and I barely knew each other so why would I be jealous?

I heard the bell ring and grabbed my stuff and got out of my car. I didn't wanna run into her in the halls again if she was walking with her boyfriend so I took a different route to class.

Jazz's pov

We heard the bell ring and got up to walk to class. I was hoping to see Harry in the halls again and maybe we'd get to talk for a few minutes but I looked at every face that passed and none belonged to him.

I sighed and walked into my class.

Hours later the bell rang for lunch and I walked out of my class to the tree to meet Niall.

I waited for the halls to clear so I didn't have to bump into anyone while I made my way out. I started to walk when someone called my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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