Chapter 6

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I woke up and looked over at the clock on the wall. It was 6:30 am. I hated Monday's and didn't wanna go to school. The sun wasn't even fully up yet and they expected us to be ready and and awake to learn by 7:40. I knew Liam was probably up already as he left the house at 6:45 to get to work. I didn't expect anyone else to be up, including Niall. He didn't get ready until five minutes before we started walking to school.

I walked to the kitchen to see Liam putting his jacket on and grabbing the car keys to the only car we had. It was beat up but it got us places so no one complained.

"I'm leaving for work now. Wait for Niall to wake up and then walk to school with him and I made sure to ask him to make sure you go straight home with him after too," he said. Well that was a nice good morning.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and then went back into my room to get ready. When I finished, I grabbed my books and went back out to the kitchen to see Niall already ready. He grabbed a banana and we went out the door to start our walk.

Neither of us said anything at first during the walk because we were both tired and didn't want to go to school. I started thinking about the long day ahead of me. I had "a lot of potential" as Liam described because I made good grades and didn't get held back or had thoughts of dropping out. Besides classroom friends, Niall was the only person I hung out with at school. I walked with him, walked to class with him, spent break with him and ate lunch with him.

When we finally made it onto school grounds, we still had seven minutes until the first bell rang so we just hung around waiting. Niall was spilling details about some sport event but I couldn't find myself to listen. I looked around the school yard but suddenly my eyes met two green ones from across the grass. I froze for a second as I realized that's they belong to Harry. What should I do? Wave? Smile? I went with the second option. He smiled back but it was small but as soon as his friend turned in the direction he was smiling to see what he was smiling at, he looked away and turned back to his friends. Oh yeah. I forgot. It would ruin his reputation to be seen associating with me.

"And that's what happened on Saturday at the golf course," Niall concluded, making me snap out of my thoughts.

I gave him a thumbs up and then the bell rang so we went on our way to our classes because they were in the same direction. We were walking in the hall to class when I saw Harry walking in the opposite direction with someone. We made eye contact again and I raised my hand to wave at him but he looked away and pretended he didn't see me and continued past me with his friend. Wow what a jerk. I can't believe I actually thought we could be friends.

After several hours of taking notes in boring classes and listening to lectures, it was finally lunch. I met Niall under the tree where we usually ate alone.

"How was class?" I asked.

"Hell," he responded. "I gotta finish homework due next class right now."

I watched him get out his books and papers and started scribbling down answers fast and probably not even making sure they were correct. I bit into my sandwich I started laughing because of all the times I told Niall to do his homework at home so he didn't have to be like this.

"Quit laughing!" He defended as he threw me his wallet. "Can you go get me something to eat from the vending machine while I finish this history worksheet?"

"Yeah sure." I put my sandwich down and walked across the school to the vending machine.

There were only 2 people in line and I sighed in relief because I wanted to go back quickly and finish my sandwich. As I was waiting for the people in front of my to finish, I vaguely thought about if I should get Niall a bag of chips or a granola bar. I knew Niall wasn't into healthy food so I concluded on the chips. The people in front of me finished and I opened Niall's wallet and slid his money into machine. I waited for the chips to come out but it stopped just when it was about to fall.

"Seriously?" I screamed at the machine and banged the glass with my hand. The bag didn't budge.

A voice behind me spoke up, "Are they stuck?"

"Yeah," I mumbled and turned around to see Harry. I groaned in my head. I wanted him to leave me alone. I didn't need his pity. He probably only came up to talk to me because no one else was around to see.

"Here, lemme try," he softly pushed me to the side and kicked the machine with his boot. The bag of chips stayed put.

I shoved him aside. "I got it. You can go now."

"Geez. Why so cold today?"

I didn't answer him but instead opened Niall's wallet to put in more money, hoping that it would push the bag of chips out. Before I could slide my money in Harry slid his own money in and the bag fell down as well as another one. He reached down and took out both of them and handed them to me.

"They're on me," he said and before I could answer he smiled his dimpled smile and walked away.

Now I felt bad because he was being nice to me and I was the one being the jerk. But then I remembered I didn't want a friend who was only nice to me when we weren't around other people. I walked back to the tree to see Niall finished with his homework.

"What took so long? I'm starving!" He complained.

I threw his wallet at him as well as the two bags of chips. "It was a two for one deal." I said with a smile and sat down to finish my sandwich.

"Sweet!" He opened the bags and started eating.

I finished my sandwich and relaxed the rest of the lunch by talking to Niall until the bell rang. I spent the rest of the day feeling bad because of how rude I was to Harry. I decided to apologize to him after school.

Finally the bell rang to signal that school was over for the and I ran out of my classroom to see if I could catch him in the halls. I waited for ten minutes but the halls started to clear. I went outside and surveyed my eyes around. I didn't see him so I went to my usual waiting spot with Niall so we could walk home.

"There you are!" Niall exclaimed. "I thought you ditched me! Liam would be so mad if I didn't bring you home right away."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes.

We turned to walk home and I saw Harry at the corner of my eye staring at me. I was gonna stop and go back and talk to him but he already turned away and walked a different direction. It was probably a good thing too. I wanted to talk to him when Niall wasn't there so less questions would be asked. I decided tomorrow would be the best time and I spent the rest of the day waiting for the next day.


an: I promise the story will go faster lol keep reading please bc I update like every 1-2 days :)

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