Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of clanging pots and pans. I knew the gang was awake and eating. Our house was never this loud but ever since my father went to prison and my mother passed away, the gang moved in and that's how it's always been since then.

I yawned and sat up. I could smell eggs and toast and eagerly walked to the kitchen to see the gang eating. I sat down and started helping myself and hoping that Liam wouldn't bring up last night again. I wasn't supposed to be out late at night alone.

"Well good morning to you too," Niall said in a cheerful tone, biting into his toast.

I mumbled a good morning and looked around at the table. Liam didn't look up and continued reading the morning newspaper. Zayn was helping himself to more eggs.

Louis shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth and then pointed at my knee with his fork. "Hey Jazz what happened to your leg?" Thanks Louis.

Liam looked up and started, "Where were you last night?"

"The park," I mumbled. I wasn't lying either. I stopped by at the park and just sat on the swing sets for a while thinking about life. "I lost track of time."

Surprisingly, Liam wasn't angry. He picked up his plate and said "Next time bring one of the gang with you. I don't want you out so late again. You could've been jumped."

I didn't respond but instead put my plate in the sink and went to get changed and brush my teeth. I slipped on shorts as I didn't want fabric rubbing against my scraped knee and a tee shirt. I grabbed my bag and went out the door to Jet's. It was my favorite diner to go to every Sunday morning for a coke. It was super cheap too as Liam and I barely scraped enough money with him working in a gas station and I just being a high school student.

I walked in and sat at the counter and ordered a coke. The place was empty and quiet except for a few customers sitting in booths chatting. I pulled my book out of my bag and started reading. I was 2 pages in and sipping my coke when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye walk in and take a seat 3 chairs away. I recognized his green eyes immediately. I tensed up but turned my attention back to my drink and book. I heard him order something and the lady bring him back a waffle with ice cream at the top.

He suddenly looked up and caught me staring at him. He smiled but I looked back down. I knew he recognized me from last night. I didn't divert my eyes away from my book as I heard him shuffle and sit on the chair next to me. He was probably here to harass me or bother me so I ignored him.

He sat there for a minute quiet and started cutting his waffle. Then he suddenly piped up, "What book are you reading?"

I looked up at his face and into his green eyes. There was no doubt that it was the boy from the car. I decided not to answer him and looked at my book again. It was best to not associate with rich people outside my part of town and especially ones who were part of a group who tried to jump me.

He frowned and suddenly put his fork down and faced me, "Hey I'm sorry for scaring you last night. I didn't have any intentions of scaring you and my friends are just idiots." I didn't answer so he said again, "You are the girl from last night right?"

I turned and looked at him and his apology did seem sincere so I decided to answer his first question. "Where the Red Fern Grows."

He smiled when he realized that I wasn't ignoring him and exclaimed "I read that book before! Back when I was in elementary school. So sad." He took another bite of his waffle. "Do you want some?" He questioned motioning to his waffle.

"Nah I'm fine," I responded back. I paused before asking him, "What are you doing on this side of town if you don't mind me asking?" I was curious because you never saw the rich kids on my side of town except for late at night when they were drunk and screaming at people like me.

He took another bite of his waffle and simply answered, "This place has good waffles." He took another bite and then said, "I'm Harry by the way." He put out his hand for me to shake it.

I shook his hand and couldn't help but notice the many rings he was wearing. One of those could probably pay the bills at my house, I thought. "I'm Jasmine but you can call me Jazz. How old are you?"

"Eighteen," he flashed me a smile, "you?"


He then finished his food and slapped down money on the counter. "I'll pay for your drink too. I'll see you around, yeah?" And with that he got up and left.

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