You were my dream today

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I saw you on the beach today, one hundred metres from me

I saw you for the first time in my life, an image at the sea

Wide brown trousers, dark grey shirt, silver head and beard

I couldn't stop looking at you. What if you turned about?

Golden sand of the beach, sandals on your feet

chin leans to distinct shores, arms rest on risen knees

Now tide turns to wet your clothes and still you sit

I wonder where your heart is, do you think you're all alone?

Briliant sun falls into ocean tide, bathers dress and hide

Sandcastles washed from the scene. Still. You sit with water high

all about you, until wind and surf take you under

No surrender, I realise. You were my dream today.

Rain and spray send me home to my village.

Away in the fields clear night skies, Prussian blue to my eyes

I remember seeing you at the beach until you were washed away

I feel I really saw you and that dream made my day .... today.

Every moment relived in the night, I wished we'd spoken

I hardly slept, background bathers voices broken.

Then I rise to meet the day, workers greet fields of hay

Grey shirt unpeels from wide brown cords, familiar body heads my way.

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