The Hurt (still in draft)

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The mind they say is wonderful, it sings;
From deep in its heart flow all manner of things.
The artistic side of your brain complicates everything.

CBT, a therapy deals with my here and now,
Resolution conflict heals the pains. Takes me on somehow,
Disregards that part of your life where shame grinds you down
Where dreams of proud achievement are put aside in favour of the here and now.

Look to the future, not to the past,
Forty years of shame. Why does it last?
It's not that easy, don't you think. I've even tried.

Put it behind you, rebuild move on.
The die has been cast.

Where were you when your parents brought you up?
Did you see them at all, were they always at work?
Stay with your grandparents, dreams on their porch?
Join the forces, see the world, make everyone proud. I think I did.
They just forgot the little things: like how to grow up as a kid.

How to make friends. How to join in. Play with your sisters, find love.
The birds and the bees avoided me, maybe they had nothing to teach?
After all, a lad that plays with his parent's adult friends, is easier to reach.

But there is the rub I hate to say, I didn't know how to ask a girl to share my day.
I was afraid of rejection, what if she said NO?
I'd never learnt how to deal with that up to now.

My girlfriends were all married, never at school
Talking with them there was against the rules.
When you're tall and good looking in that kind of crowd,
How do you cope with the flirts where discreet hands seek you out?

Married attention was all very good but I needed a girl of my own.
To take to the pictures or simply to talk.
To walk down the road hand-in-hand with someone to please
Two sisters, you'd have thought I'd get by with ease, but
That's part of the issue, part of the tease.
We'd got nothing in common, went our own separate ways
I could never make friends, life in a daze.
Then I move on. I got flash-bangs, a rifle, jet planes every day.

The Ramblings of an Over-Active MindKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat