School Nurses

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School Nurses me like...

Me: Both my arm and leg are broken. I might a concusion and my heart rate is unstable.

Nurse: Oh just put some ice on that.


Nurse: I can't do anything about that, you'll just have to go back to class.

(One time I felt really sick in my stomach so I went to the nurse. She told me that it was gas and to walk around. Then go back to class. I end having to go back to the nurse and after a good 10 minutes there, I threw-up. The nurse said that I wasn't back from the bathroom by the time the office called to tell her my mom was here she would have said that I was fine and that my mom could go back to work or whatever. I got back in time and went home. I ended up having a stomach virus. So long-story-short, the nurse was completely wrong and I had to stay home for about a week. Yep it was totally just gas...)

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