New Kids

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Ok so my school has gotten two new kids (well we've gotten more but these two in particular are the ones we shall talk about. If you go to my school you know who I'm talking about). Anyway...we shall call them new kid A and B. Now new kid A is annoying. Now I wouldn't really have a problem with this except the fact that it was his second day to the school, and basically everyone hated him. New kid B is the same thing kinda but his first friend was a popular guy. So now new kid B thinks that he's all that cuz he with the popular guys. So lets just say I put new kid B back in his place (somewhat). So here's a lesson for any new kids out there. Don't go being annoying and rude the second day you get to the new school. Maybe a week or two ok bur the first, second, amd third Just hang low and keep your distance. After a week then you go out and make friends and me you.

Comment if you're a new kid or got any new kids

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