two / nice strategy

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Sabrina (Evie) -
I was so ecstatic to go to Aurdon. I know I'm a villain, but I'm also a regular girl. Auradon was so magical and enchanting! we walked into the building. Peyton (Ben) and Olivia (Audrey) introduced a guy around my age, named Bradley (Doug) . he was so cute. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. he was perfect.

"hi I'm Bradley. I'm the son of Dopey. you know, from Snow White? I have your class schedule, there is astronomy with Mrs. Harper, English with Mr. B, and there are more classes here on your schedule. also there is a new class called goodness 101." he finishes. he looks up and locked eyes with me. I smirk and walk up to him.

"the name is Sabrina. daughter of the evil queen. I think your cute. also is that goodness 101 class new? I bet it is just for us," I add. I wink and smile. he nods, astonished.  

"come on guys, let's go find our dorm," Rowan  says. she leads us up the wrong staircase and then we go our separate ways to our rooms. I couldn't stop thinking about that adorable Bradley. I don't know what it is about him! we walk into our room. just like I imagined. pink and bright. I was so excited!!

"this place is amaze.."

"gross." Rowan cuts me off. she scoffs and looks around the room.

"yeah, it's amazingly gross." I reply with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't wait!! since Rowan hates light, she demanded that the blinds are closed. that took the fun out of it. we have been living in a stupid castle for 16 years of our lives! I couldn't believe that Rowan wasn't taking advantage of being free from our parents here in Auradon. I know we have job, but I'm taking advantage that we are out of that island.

"let's go meet up with the boys. I want to get that wand as fast as possible, so we can stay out of school tomorrow." Rowan sighs. just the idea of school is so awesome! I never went to real school. we walk over to the boys and they seem like they are comfortable in their dorm.

"guys! you need to try out this game! it's epic, it's like I'm actually in the game!" Corey exclaims. I laugh, but Rowan on the other hand, was disgusted. us two girls walk over to Uriah and he says he was stealing.

"what is stealing?" Rowan asks. he responds with a simple answer. Rowan rolls her eyes.

"don't you guys understand that this is a chance of a lifetime! we have a job that needs to be done! we aren't here for fun and games. I want to complete this mission!" Rowan yells. we quiet down. she is really serious about this.

Rowan (Mal) -
I never thought that my friends would be so careless about this job. I know it seems like I'm overreacting, but I don't want to disappoint my mom. she is really depending on me. I guess you can say, I'm the more responsible and mature one. the rest are goofy and silly. I need them to focus on this mission. I don't mean to yell at them all the time, but I do what has to be done.

"Sabrina, get your magic mirror, the one your mother gave you before you left." I command. she grabs it out of her purse and she asks it the question, "mirror mirror, in my... hand, where is the fairy godmothers wand... stand." we discover it's in a museum.

"Corey, look up how far this museum is!" I whisper-yell. he nods and goes on his laptop and looks it up.

"about 2.3 miles away. if we run, we can make it. also, it's closed, so there might be security." he finishes. I rush out of the room and look through the halls, making sure we don't get caught.

"just run for it guys!" I say. we spent our way to the museum. once we get there, all we see is the guard watching over the place. I see my mother's spinning wheel that can make people fall asleep.

"nice spinning wheel, Row," Uriah jokes. I don't laugh and elbow his rib. I say a spell to make the guard fall asleep and open the door. once we made it into the room, we had Sabrina's mirror to work.

"it's this way guys! follow me!" Sabrina exclaims. we run up the stairs to find our selves stopping at the villain section. we saw our parents.

"woah," we all say in unison.

"well the wand is defiantly not here," Uriah reminds us. Sabrina, Corey, and Uriah walk away. I just stand there frozen looking at my mother's statue.

"mom, I don't want to fail you. please forgive me if I do. I know being evil is hard, but look at us. we are only 16." I confess. then all of a sudden, my mom comes to life.

"oh honey. don't you understand that being mean is so much easier than being nice. don't you want to make being evil your daily routine?" she asks. I nod and leave the premises.

"Row! I found it! it's down there. let's go!" Sabrina cheers. we run down the stairs to the wand stand. Uriah, him being sneaky and all, decided to not follow directions and touched the wand. it set off a blaring alarm. we run, trying not to get caught. we all make it out.

"nice strategy Uriah. now we have to go to school tomorrow." I say, making sure he hints the sarcasm.

we fall asleep in our rooms, but all I could think about was my mom. she is the reason why I'm me. I'm Rowan Blanchard, the daughter of the most cruelest villain. I just don't want to let her down. I want to follow in her footsteps, because look how successful she is. I want to still be a regular teenager, just with some little flaws.

chapter two is finished! this was defiantly different than the movie! I'm very happy with this chapter. also thanks for the nice reviews! it's very much appreciated!

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