six / did i mention?

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Rowan (Mal) -
once Peyton ate that cookie, it just made my heart skip a beat for some reason. I really can't be falling in love with the prince or soon to be king!! I then walk off to class.

later that day •

I walk over to the tourney field with Sabrina (Evie) and G (Lonnie). we sit on the sixth set of bleachers. I couldn't wait to see Uriah (Jay) and Corey (Carlos) play out there. the game just started!!

Uriah (Jay) -
today is my first tourney game and the adrenaline is overwhelming my body. I couldn't wait!

"are you guys ready?!?!" coach yells in the locker room. we all scream and support each other. we run out on the field. everyone is screaming and this couldn't get any better. I was on the field with Austin (Chad), Peyton (Ben), and some other people. Corey was benched and it just didn't feel right. we play for a couple of rounds. we score a bunch, but same with the other team. now we are tied. I was benched at this point with Corey.

"Uriah, go out there!" he yells. I'm about to go, but look back at Corey. he looks amused from just looking at the field.

"coach, I think we should have Corey go out there." I could see from Corey's expression that he was frightened. the coach laughs.

"oh! you are serious!" he exclaims. we compromise and before I know it, we are on the field with everyone else, including Corey. we break from our huddle and we give it our all. the first time we try to score, but the goalie blocked it. the team had more determination than ever. I sprint and get the ball, I flip and turn while someone throws obstacles at me. I bump into other people too. I pass it to my teammates and it comes back to me.

"Uriah!!" Corey yells. I pass the ball over to him where he passes it to Peyton and he SCORES! we won!! the crowd went wild. we jump on each other.

"GO URIAH AND COREY!" I hear Sabrina yell. we smile and continue celebrating with the team.

Peyton (Ben) -
I couldn't believe we won!!!

"as you can see, the Aurdaon Knights come back with a win and..." I grab the microphone.

"hi." I peep. everyone starts looking at me and there is an awkward tension. I then get the perfect idea. "GIVE ME AN R!"I yell making an R with my hands. everyone copies. "GIVE ME AN O" I do the same thing like before and everyone follows. "GIVE ME AN W!" I yell.  I continue until I finish her name. "WHAT DOES THAT SPELL!"

"ROWAN!" the crowd yells.

"I CAN HEAR YOU!" I scream. they say her name again. "I love you Row. did I mention that?" I confess.

I break into a song. I dance and sing about Rowan. I really love her. I give her my jersey and I tell her I love her. she is amazing. I couldn't believe I put all my effort into that. I finish the song with our faces close and I lean in. our lips touch and I feel sparks. she breaks the kiss and smiles.

"I really like you Rowan." I whisper in her ear. she giggles.

"I really like you too Peyton." I was waiting for those words.

"Austin is my boyfriend now and I don't need your pity date to the coronation!" Olivia yells, kissing Austin. they break and smirk.

"Rowan, will you go to the coronation with me?" I ask. she says yes and I'm ecstatic. we hug and I run off with the team.

Rowan (Mal) -
I was astonished. he kissed me and hugged me and gave me his jersey and I told him I really liked him. what is happening?? I walk back to my room with Sabrina. I'm so confused.

"Oh My Gosh! that was so cute Rowboat! I'm so jealous. also, what was in that cookie?!" I let a giggle and sigh escape my lips before i collapse on my bed.

"I just can't believe that all just happened. the whole school will hear about this. what are people gonna think of me?! will olivia hate me forever?" I ask. I'm freaking out. I don't care if we interacted, I'm afraid of what other people are going to say.

"don't worry Rowan. you are putting way to much pressure on your self. it's not needed. just please calm your butt down," Sabrina comforts, while combing her hair.

"that's easy for you to say! I have a huge mission that my mom has given me. I don't have time for a boyfriend. I know I've never been in love, but I know that it is not worth my time!" I fire back. she looks up with sympathy in her eyes.

"oh sorry Row, I didn't know you felt like that. I guess I'll leave you alone. I'll be with Bradley (Doug) if you ever need me." Sabrina responds. all this guilt fell over me.

"wait!" I yell, but Sabrina was already out of sight. I can't stand it here in Auradon anymore! nothing is going as planned. but when that coronation comes, I'll go get that wand and leave. I hum a melody and I slowly drift to sleep.

next day • (still Rowan's POV)

we are all sitting in class again. I was so aggravated and confused. then fairy godmother broke the silence.

"if you didn't know, this Sunday is parent day. it's when all the parents visit. since your parents unfortunately can't come because of distance, I have a surprise." I wasn't excited at all for.

there was a huge screen and our parents just randomly appear. I really didn't want to see my mom, not at all.

end of chapter 6!! this chapter wasn't very good and was boring to write. I really hope you guys liked it! sorry this chapter isn't as long as the other one, I'm super tired. tomorrow, I don't know if I can write, but I'll try. Monday, I have stuff I got to do.

who was excited about the reyton / rucas moment?!?! it was different from the actual movie since they kissed and hugged and confessed their feelings. I did say that I will add some twists and stuff. thanks for reading and bye!! :)

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