three / misery

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Rowan (Mal) -
today is the first day of school since Uriah thought it was the best idea to just not listen to our directions and ruined our chance of getting the wand. we are sitting in "goodness 101" class. I don't understand, people think that we are rude all the time, but it's not like that at all! yes we are villains, but we are still normal people!

"if you have a crying baby, do you
A) curse it
B) lock it in a tower
C) give it a bottle
D) carve out its heart," the fairy godmother asks. I was in the middle of drawing the wand that is needed by my mother.

"Rowan, do you know the answer?" she asks.

"C, give it a bottle," I respond, going back to my paper. Corey's head snaps at my direction.

"girl you are on fire!" he exclaims. I giggle and look up.

"I'm just choosing the one that doesn't sound that fun," I reply. they all respond with an "ooooooo". the teacher keeps going on with the lesson and I couldn't keep my mind off of that wand.

then all of a sudden, a girl by the name of Sarah (Jane) comes running in, squealing. she must be intimidated by us.

"mom, you need to sign this for early dismissal for the coronation." she peeps.

"have you guys met my daughter Sarah?" fairy godmother asks. she whispers something to her mom and runs off in a blink. I think I found someone who can help us with the wand.

Uriah (Jay) -
after that stupid class, we had to go to the tourney field. I never really liked stealing, I just did it since my family does. I don't want to
let them down. I get changed, feeling confident in my gear.

"guys!! get on the field and we will get started soon!!" the coach yells from across the field. Corey (Carlos) didn't really know what to do. he was very clueless out there. I get prepared for my first time playing. the whistle blows and the adrenaline kicks in. I run across the field, whacking everyone and it was fun time. we finish one round.

"you!! get over here!" the coach points at me. I slowly walk over with the rest of the boys.

"what do you call that?" he asks. I shrug my shoulders and I didn't know what else to do.

"I call that raw talent. come meet me after school." he smiles. I nod.

"have you ever thought about band?" coach asks Corey. we laughed.

"let's run that again!" he yells. we run back onto the field, more determined than ever!

Sabrina (Evie) -
I'm sitting in my science class sitting next to Bradley (Doug). I was in the middle of staring at Austin (Chad). he was so cute.

"is he in line for any kind of royalty?" I ask Bradley.

"he is the son of Cinderella and Prince Charming. he got the charm, just not really the other stuff," Bradley jokes.

"well it looks like he is an amazing guy." I dream.

the teacher asks a question about the atomic weight of silver. since I wasn't paying attention, he obviously called on me.

"Sabrina, this must be a review for you, so how about you come up to the front of the class and show everyone your work on how you found your answer." I gulped nervously and stood up, secretly taking my mirror with me. I take the chalk in the teachers hand.

"what is the atomic weight of silver?" I asked. it mostly was just for my mirror. it gave me the work and the answer. he was astonished.

"I need to look over the work," he responded.

"don't underestimate a villain again." I deviously smile. Austin flashes a smile and passes me a note. butterflies in my stomach went crazy!! I opened the note to see it said,"meet me by the bleachers at 3 today." I looked up and smiled. we just stayed like that which felt like forever. I want to find my Prince Charming.

that is the end of chapter three!! I'm sorry it is shorter than usual! I'm on a road with my friends / family. so I apologize if chapters aren't very amazing. hopefully you are liking the fanfic :)

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