four / happily never after

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Rowan (Mal) -
I wanted to meet that Sarah (Jane) girl. she seems like she needs some friends. I wasnt trying to act like a stalker, but I followed her into the bathroom. she froze at my appearance. she didn't know what to say, and when she did speak, it was more like a mumble.

"hi! I'm Rowan." I greet. she stays still, looking at the ground.

"I'm on my way to class, bye." she mumbles.

"wait!" I yell. "I was needing some friends and I thought we would, you know, connect." I respond. she nods.

"I don't really have a lot of friends because of my looks. I have been waiting for the day my mom can change me to be the girl I want to be." I smile at the thought of the wand.

"why won't your mother help you with that kind of stuff? I mean she bippity boppity the living day lights out of Cindy and she wasn't even her daughter." I reply. we share a giggle before Sarah speaks.

"I know! there are a lot of things I want her to fix. but she says that magic comes from books...with history in them." Sarah fake gags. I laugh. "I want my hair cool, like yours Rowan!" I look down at my purple, but slightly brown hair. it was curly and I knew the right thing to do.

I take out my spell book and I say a spell to fix Sarah's hair. I swish my finger along with her head and POOF! her hair is beautiful!

"oh my gosh! I love it! do my nose!" I shake my head no. she looks down, with a sad expression across her face. a light bulb popped into my head.

"that's it! you have to make that face and say something like, oh mother. if only you could change me like Cinderella. I mean I'm your daughter." I act out. she squeals. "if this works, would you let me tag along?"

"if I can convince my mom, you are defiantly coming along!" she claps. I leave the bathroom with a smile across my face.

Sabrina (Evie) -
Austin (Chad) walked me to the bottom of the bleachers. I was so excited to be with him. he was so dreamy.

"are all the girls from your island as pretty as you?" he says, making me blush bright red.

"I like to think that I'm the fairest of them all." I joke. we both smile and look at each other straight in the eyes.

"so, you really were great and smart in class today." he breaks the silence. I giggle.

"I'm not that smart. really!" I nervously laugh. he disagrees. I didn't want people to think I'm a nerd!! "you are going to get all the nerds falling for you, especially that Bradley dude." he rudely says. my eyes narrow at his image. he seems like a nice guy, but I don't know now.

"look. I have a magic mirror that helps me with stuff like questions or problems. it's like my mini computer, but in my hand." I respond.

he grabs my magic mirror and asks,"where is my cellphone?" I laugh.

"it only works for me sweetheart," I correct him. he chuckles. my mind was running with questions to ask. it feels different when you are talking to a good person, you know? I mean, I'm a bad girl, a villains child. I just felt like it was the moment and I lean in, but got stopped.

"we should really hang sometime, but I have so much homework that is drowning me. maybe you can do mine and yours and we can find a time to be together." he smirks. I was star -struck. I nodded, not knowing what he said. he plopped his bag into my hands and kissed my cheek. 

"you know he is just using you right?" a voice speaks. I snap my head and see Bradley (Doug) slide through the bleachers.

"are you stalking me?" I asked, surprised. he nods and we start up a conversation.

"so, did you hear about the coronation for Prince Peyton? (Ben)? I was wondering if you would like to be my date?" Bradley asks. I smile, an idea popping into my head.

"is everyone invited to the coronation?" I peep. Bradley nods and I leave with a smirk planted on my face.

Rowan (Mal) -
"my mom says that boys can't see that I'm
beautiful inside and out! she is so old school!" Sarah explains. I nod my head while focusing on my stupid homework. I was in my room with Sarah talking about her mother until Sabrina bursts through the door.

"Row!! I didn't know people here at Auradon can be so cruel! I mean they are adorable, but that Austin guy just gave me his homework." she sighs. I shake my head no.

"you poor girl. boys suck. they aren't worth our time." I protest.

"how do you know Rowan? you never had a boyfriend," Sabrina fires back. before I could reply with a witty comeback, a girl comes walking in.

"hi! I'm G (Lonnie)! I loved what you did with Sarah's hair!! would you do me a favor and do
mine?" she excitingly asks.

"and why would I do that?" I bluntly ask. she holds up 50 dollars and Sabrina takes it.

"we can cut the bangs, add layers..." she gets cut off.

"no no, I want it to be like a Rowan's!"

"oh you want the split ends too?" I give her the death stare.

"fine!" I give in. I take my spell book and find the one about cool hair. I used my finger and changed her hair to a cute style. she gasped and went to the mirror. Sabrina tried to convince her that it wasn't that great of a style, but she disagrees. she loves it. I'm sort of liking it here with all these people.

end of chapter four! this one is longer yay! I'm heading home now from my trip! I had a blast. thank you so so much for the amazing feedback! this chapter was honestly harder to write then the other ones because it had so much dialogue and I didn't know word for word of the movie. I'm glad some people are enjoying the book!! bye :)

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