five / how do you feel?

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Rowan (Mal) -
I was sitting in my room with the gang and we were discussing about the coronation.

"I didn't know that there was a whole coronation for Prince Peyton (Ben)! the magic wand will be there and I can't wait!!" Sabrina (Evie) exclaimed. I giggle and hear a sudden knock at the door.

"hold that thought E," I mischievously said, walking over to the door. I open carefully and see the one and only Peyton.

"hey guys! I didn't see you guys today, I was just wondering if you had any questions for me?" he nervously asks. I check to see if anyone needed anything, but we all shook our heads.

"no. it doesn't look like it... OH! is it true that we are all invited to your coronation? I mean if we are, could we sit near the magic wand, you know so we can soak up all that goodness." I basically beg.

"yes, there is a coronation for me which everyone is invited to, but the people who are up front is my girlfriend, my parents, and my folks. I'm sorry." he replied with a sad expression.

"well that's okay! got to go bye!" I slam the door in his face. "I have the perfect idea. I think it's time for Pey Pey to get a new girlfriend." I deviously smiled. Corey (Carlos) passes my spell book, and I immediately look for a spell for this idea.

Corey (Carlos) -
so, since I'm very bad at tourney, Prince Peyton volunteered after class to help me out. I thought it was kind of him, but I'm honestly not that big of a runner or a tourney player. I barely even knew what the "kill zone" was!

"okay Corey, I need you to run up to the white line and I'll time you. ready, set, go!" Peyton yells. I sprint, not because I want to run as fast as I can, because there was a vicious dog chasing me.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screech. I run into the forest with Peyton following me. before I knew it, I was up in a tree. Peyton finally caught up to me. "Peyton! get that vicious rabid pack animal away from me!"

"you mean this guy?" Peyton asks, picking up the monster.

"don't hold it! it will rip out your throat!" I warn. he chuckles.

"who told you that? your mom?" I nod. she was always telling me terrible stories about dogs. "this is our school mascot, Dude. Dude this is Corey and Corey this is Dude." he introduces. I slowly climb down the tree.

"he doesn't look like a scary animal." I took the small dog out of his arms. I smiled at the young puppy.

"you really did great out there. remember we have a game today, so get ready! I'll leave you too alone and meet me back by the field." I thank him and stand there with the innocent dog.

Rowan (Mal) -
it was finally time to make the cookies filled with ingredients to make him fall in love with me. I honestly didn't feel bad at all that I'm doing this. I mean, I didn't even want to be here in the first place!

"so we have all the ingredients, besides a tear. like a real human tear and you guys know how I don't cry." I groan.

"just cut up an onion." Uriah (Jay) suggests.

"very funny. this spell gets the best reviews. I need a real human tear!" I retort. then out of no where, G (Lonnie) walks in. we quickly cover up any mischievous things and acted normal. "hi G! what brings you here?" I ask.

"midnight snack? ooh! cookies!" she chirps. she dips a finger in and licks it. we gasp.

"do you feel any different?" I ask. she nods her head no and a weight of relief was lifted from my shoulders.

"you can add some chips. you know, like chocolate chips." she runs off to get the chocolate chips. she adds them in. "don't you guys love when your mom always made you fresh cookies and you could smell them from your room?" I sigh and keep mixing.

"it's different where we are from. we aren't all sunshine and rainbows." I reply. she looks down.

"I just thought they loved you and... oh." she stops herself seeing us sad. "I didn't mean to say anything like that. how awful." she continues. a single tear falls down her cheek. I take my finger and swoosh it off her face and put it into the batter.

"well, nice talk! we will see you later, evil dreams!" I shove her out the door. "Uriah get the cookie sheet and Sabrina turn on the oven." this is so going to work.

next day •

Olivia (Audrey) -
"I really don't like that gang. they are ruthless and rude! especially that Rowan girl! she is doing everyone's hair and before you know it, they will all be prettier than me. I can't have that happen Pey Pey!" I argue.

"I know it's different, but just give them a chance." he finishes. I scoff and leave.

Rowan (Mal) -
it's the day I'm giving Peyton the cookie. I walk up to him and yelled,"hey Pey Pey!" he instantly turned around.

"hey Rowboat! what's up?" he joyfully answers.

"I made a batch of double chocolate chip cookies! they are fresh and delicious. do you want one?" I plead.

"I'm so sorry! I don't eat before a big game, but thank you for the offer, next time!" he says turning around, about to walk off.

"oh okay. I get it. don't eat food that is made by villains. I guess just more for me." I say. he turns on his heels. I'm about to take a bite, but he quickly snatches it and eats it.

"see. I totally trust you." he says. I look at his green eyes. he was gorgeous. wait what am I saying?! I can't fall for a prince, that's not my job.

"so, how do you feel?"

"I feel like singing your name! Rowan! Rowan! Rowan!" I cover his mouth. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Peyton might be my Prince Charming after all...

end of chapter five! this one is longer yay!! I'm so glad I'm home, but next week I got some stuff going on, so I won't be as active. I'll try to pre - write some chapters beforehand so I can just post them.

oooo! there is some reyton / rucas in this chapter yay!! I really like this chapter, but also it was hard to write. okay, bye!! :)

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