seven // beauty

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Rowan (Mal) -
"Hi mom. How is it back at home?" I ask. I'm really dreading this right now.

"We can't see you guys. We can hear you, but we can't see you. Help me!!" I hear my mom demand. I roll my eyes and click the end button. Just a few seconds of hearing her voice and I already don't want to talk to her.

"I'm really not in the mood to talk to my mom right now. I have a lot of things going on in my mind and I just need time to think," I confess. I walk away and go straight up into my room. I sit and read some magical spells. Out of all four of us kids, they had to pick me? I don't like all this pressure, it makes me feel weak. I can't handle all of this!! Sabrina comes up and opens the door. She goes straight to her sewing machine and starts to make her dress for the coronation.

"S the coronation isn't for another week and a half. Oh and by the way, make mine a lavender color to match my hair. Make it just the right length so I can run and grab the wand." I command.

"How about you make your own dress and you can go buy yourself a new sewing kit?" Sabrina snapped.

"Woah woah woah. Just cause I got really upset doesn't mean that you should be mad at me back. I have a lot of things going on. Just forgive okay? I'm very frustrated." I explain.

"Fine, but don't pull anything like that again on me. I don't like when we fight," she admits.

I give her a hug and we talk for a bit until we hear someone knock on the door. "Who is it?!" I yell.

"It's um me, Peyton (Ben)." I quickly sit up and walk over to the door.

"Oh hi Peyton. How are you?? What brings you here?" I politely ask.

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date today at 4:00? We can grab lunch and dress fancy please. If you want to come," he smiles. I smile back at him.

"I'd love to go out with you. Pick me up at 3:55?" I lightly smile. He nods his head and waves goodbye. I close the door and I slide down onto the floor. "Am I seriously going on a date with the soon to be king?" I groan. I'm such a mess. "Sab, you need to help me get ready!" I exclaim.

She stops what she's doing and nods her head. I get all pampered and I start to get really nervous, but I just shake it off because I will never see him again. So this "date" doesn't even matter.


Sabrina finishes the last curl and I stand up and look at myself in the mirror. "Wow, I actually look somewhat decent," I giggle.

"You look beautiful best friend. Just please don't make a fool of yourself. Be polite and don't talk about the plan or anything. We don't want anything slipping out of place right now. Got it?" Sabrina explains.

"Thanks so much. And of course I won't say anything. I'm just doing this cause I need to get close to him so we are comfortable with each other for the coronation. It's not like I have feelings for. Psshh." Sabrina gives me the "really?" look and I just shrug it off. Then someone knocks on the door. "Coming!" I say. I walk over to the door and open it.

"Um hi. You look gorgeous Rowan. I can't really believe I'm going on a date with the prettiest girl I've ever seen." I blush uncontrollably and I give him a nice smile. He holds out his arm and link my arm.

"Here goes nothing," I whisper. I wave goodbye to Sabrina and I know when she closes the door she is going to be squealing and dancing. That's my best friend for you.

hi!!!! I decided to write three stories at once. I have just been in a big writing mood and ya. I'm sorry I haven't written this book in a bit it's because I can't remember anything from the movie since my memory sucks. so I'm just winging it. I know this chapter sucks and it's short, but don't worry. things will start getting interesting in the next couple of chapters. PLEASE GO CHECK OUT "ALL OR NOTHING" & "SPACED OUT". love you guys byeeeee :)

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