Singing 11 (THE LAST PART)

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Okay whoever is under 18 and hates school will enjoy this song song by Audrey. (Who is 16 since this is the past) oh and parody of RUDE!

Audrey: *Runs to work*

Freddy: Youre late.

Audrey: I had to stay late at school. Plus it's a THREE HOUR RUN!!!

Chica: Well then you better leave.

Audrey: WHAT?!! I hate school.

Fangs: Too bad.

Audrey's song about school:

Monday morning

Rolled out of bed

And stumbled out the room

Got my hairbrush

And mangled my head

Ripped out some hairs too

Ran out the door

With hair in my hands

Sprinted to the bus stop

I wish I had more

Sense to remember my pack


Will I have to go here for the rest my life?

Say no, say no

Or I'll surely cry

You say I'll be trapped there

'Till the day I die

Tough luck my friend

Why does school exist, WHY?!!

Why I gotta go to school?

Don't you know that I'm too cool?

Why I gotta to school?

I'm just going to flunk anyway

I'll flunk out of school (Gonna flunk anyway)

I'll flunk out of school (Don't care about my family)

I'll flunk out of school (And work at this place)

Why I gotta to school?

I hate school

It leaves me no choice

But to jump outta window

Love it or hate it

You will be bored

You'll miss your everything

Maybe I'll run away

To another galaxy, you know

I will get caught anyways

I cannot go anywhere, you know

Will I have to go there for the rest of my life?

Say no say no

Or I'll surely cry.........


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