Chica and Audrey Part 2

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-There in human form if you didn't know

Audrey: Ok Foxy stopped doing whatever that was..... *hears noise* What was that?! *checks camera to see Chica*


I knew you were
Going to work at Freddy's
And here you are
But you better have agility
Cause I, I'm capable of anything
Of anything and everything

Make you my robot, Freddy
Make you a lifeless body
But don't make you a friend to me
A friend to me
A friend to me

So you wanna play with cameras
Audrey you should know this is your downfall
Audrey, do you dare to stop us?
Cause I'm going to you through these dark halls

Are you ready for, ready for
Freddy Fazbear, Freddy Fazbear
Cause once you're caught, once you're caught
You'll be dead in the back

Mark our words
This job will seal your fate
Like a guard
Like a guard who couldn't wait
But down you go
If you choose tow all away, you must always stay

Your life's in the grasp of us
It's me or you, it's me
So just be sure before you forget to check on me.......

Audrey: .............I hate my job.......

To be continued...

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