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— My Paper Heart Is Yours Forever

My Paper Heart – Francesca Battistelli ♪ ♫


After explaining that I have a paid room located on the top floor of final destination, the policeman that is set in position on cloud one waves me off. I manage to make it to the elevator with a lie, because I can manage being a good liar for at least a short period of time.

All he could come up with as a response was a mumbled, "You're not wearing any shoes," but hey, shoes are phony protectants.

I can't be too overwhelmed, or worried for my life. I know at least a portion of my purpose--enough to know that today isn't the day I'll say goodbye to the world, anyway. I'm not the weakest of the weak, though I'm also not the strongest of the strong. I just know I'm strong enough to make it. I am here, after all. I didn't let the possibilities get the best of me this time.

I press the destined button for the third time today, and watch as the elevator doors close in front of me.

"This is right," I tell myself.

"This is real," I say, as I feel the elevator move up a floor.

"I've got this," I encourage myself, as the elevator doors open for me.

I step my way through the empty hallway, turning curtly on my heel so I'm headed in the right direction. The lack of lighting doesn't intimidate me. I just walk where I need to walk, and accept the carpeted feel under my feet. I eventually come across the stair exit, which will lead me to my real final destination. I pull the heavy door open, and start up the concrete stairs. All I can hear is my own breathing, and the sound my feet make as I continue up the stairs — making the turns I need to make. My anxiety is high, but I'm also excited--I just need to get there.

I breathe an expectant sigh once I come to a halt in front of the cracked door, where I see a sliver of night light sneaking its way towards me.

I push the bricked door all the way open, coming in view of a lot more faces than expected.

Everyone that was sitting suddenly stands to their feet as I emerge from the other side of the door, and a man's arms are sooner wrapping themselves around me once I successfully re-brick the door.

I'm on the tips of my toes as I hug him back, taking him in and immediately knowing who he is.

"Parrish," I say his name.

He kisses my forehead, breathing strongly. "I'm so glad you're here," he whispers. "I love you, Amelia. You scared the shit out of me."

"You scared the shit out of me," I retort.

His hands are brushing my hair away from my face as we both turn to show our faces — his arm stretched tightly over my shoulder, and mine snaked around his waist as we move closer to the center towards everyone else.

"What's the occasion?" I ask in a small voice. I don't even know who to look at. No one speaks, so I decide to look at all of them from the point closest to me.

There's Chaise at the very end — Robert and Callie stand next to each other, nearest to Chaise. Oliver is distant from everyone, but he smiles in my direction, despite his obvious uncomfortable state. As I look for another face, I can't seem to recognize the next one — the last one.

"Who are you?" I ask the man curiously.

He smiles, but doesn't say his name. "It's nice to finally see you," he says instead.

I study him for a moment, and then look up at Parrish.

"He's the faceless man from my dream," I whisper to Parrish.

In Between Times (Complete Novel, Mastered May 12th, 2022)Where stories live. Discover now