Chapter 10 - Climb faster

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​The crowd cheers and hollers. Those of us who are being forced through this are less than pleased and remain silent. The shouts quiet as the creep begins to talk again. I think he just likes to hear himself talk, narcissist.

​"The task before you is quiet simple. See this tree behind me is the oldest tree in the Pit. People say it's hunted. Supposedly, back before the Pit was created, the area was to be an amusement park. Construction workers cut down tree after tree and turned it into this flat area that surrounds you now." The guy stops talking long enough for people to look around them.

"But there was an accident one day. One worker was climbing the tree to saw it in two, so when the tree fell it didn't fall on any of the equipment, but he never got the chance. It is said that a murderer climbed the tree after him and cut him in two, just like he planned to do to the tree. Both halves of the man fell hitting limb after limb on the way down. When he finally hit the ground, the body was so mangled you couldn't even recognize him. Now, his spirit haunts the tree and pushes down those who climb the tree. Killing each and every one of them."

​A girl screamed loud and piercing into the night and many gasped when the story finished. Some watched the tree, eyes never leaving its branches fearing what was to come next. Another person walked up to the creep and spoke up. "Induction is simple. You are to climb the tree and at the very top are flags. You are to grab one and make it back down. If you don't well, you will find out what happens then. Everyone else thanks for coming out to watch. It's time to place your bets. Who do you think will win? Bets will be made over there. State the name and the place you think they will get in."

​The crowd moves to the side, placing bets as the creep picked up where the other left off, "There are no rules just grab a flag quickly. I don't have all night. With that said: on your marks, get set, go!"

​A built guy jumps from his seat and rushes the tree. I get up with the rest and head toward the tree. Three girls stay where they are and don't move. They better get moving, I would help, but I can't wait to find out I am already one of the last to the tree. Up close the tree is way bigger, it's like it grew a hundred feet in the few seconds it took to get here. I start scaling the tree.

​I pass person after person on my way up. I used to climb mountains with my uncle who did it for sport. He showed my where to place my feet and hands. How to quickly move up with less effort and more efficiency, that's what he said at least. He could always move so gracefully up the mountain that I would always be left behind and he would have to come back. Every time he would say, "Teca, what are you doing? How slow can you be? I am three times your age, don't let me beat you so easily."

​Every time we went I became faster and faster until I almost caught up with him one time before slipping and he beat me in the end. My parents very much disapproved of our camping trips where we went to the mountains and climbed. Uncle didn't allow cell phones or technology when we went, it was just the two of us and our equipment. Sometimes we would be out there for days and other times a few hours, but I enjoyed every minute of it. There was something about the freedom of climbing that made living wonderful. The wind on your face, the sun in your eyes, and the joy of looking down on the world.

​My Uncle and I were close. We would have many trips over the summer and some on long weekends. Once I told him how sucky school was and that next Wednesday he showed up in my classroom with his climbing gear in tow. Everyone stared at him thinking he was crazy. I never told anyone of our hiking trips only how great he was. No one else needed to know, it was our thing. So when he came in and told me to go, I asked, "What are we climbing today?"

​Everyone's faces were shocked as we left. After that it was never the same. People would come up to me and ask what is it like to climb a mountain or cliffs? And I answered, "Absolutely perfect." No one was better than my Uncle. Meka and Peri both loved him, they both understood that hiking was our thing and never asked to go and I was grateful to them for that.

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