Damien's single and jealous?

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Thinking back to the events of Christmas morning filled me with a romantic hot flush.

After everyone was up and about all seemed to make a beeline for the Christmas tree, like travelers to population, we all gathered in a hub around the adorned evergreen, its lights reflecting off the globes hanging. It looked so enchanting and charming, simple yet satisfying.

We were all waiting. Though Hannah was having a hard time at being still (what's new?) always squirming and whining, her little pudgy hands occasionally twitching towards the pile of presents as if an alcoholic fighting the urge to pour another drink.

It was Tabitha who was causing the delay. Then finally she decided to grace us with her presence, trudging down the stairs still in her pajamas, a long blanket dragging behind her that made her look oddly royal.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart." Aunt Julie was the first to greet my lazy sister. I expected Tabitha to look surprised and say, "No way is that today!" Instead she made a weird 'huh' noise, a remark far to nonchalant for the whole audience and date.

"I didn't realize that was today. Must have slipped my mind." She explained, not even bothering to continue faster or change attitude. She was probably wondering what was for breakfast knowing her bearish appetite.

"Yeah, we all know that's a load of bull. Christmas tree, presents, jolly bloody smiles - none of this ring a bell? Pun not intended." Jared commented with a sour expression of exasperation and resent.

Tabitha sent him a sneer, but didn't respond - probably too tired.

"Yes, Tabitha, darling, would you please hurry up. We're all waiting on you." Mum finally encouraged, slightly displeased with her pace. Tabitha shrugged but then double her quiet plodding down the next few stairs.

When she finally arrived I heard someone put an old Christmas song on, and thank god it was hardly audible. Then everyone was going to settle down for the proceeding unwrapping. Silently, without acknowledging it, the younger people in the room felt obliged to sit on the floor; Jared, Hannah, Tabitha and I all went to find a position. Tabitha seemed more than happy to drop to the floor, her butt making a loud, probably painful, thud. As I went to get settled under a branch a voice caught my attention.

"Zoona, take my seat." Damien said it like a demand rather than an invitation. I gave a glance over my shoulder, not just startled by his commanding will but also that he had spoken to me; If he hadn't of said my name then I would have mistaken it for aunt Caroline who was standing next to him and seemed more of the appropriate older person to offer a seat to, but it wasn't to her. No, he was very exact, his eyes insisting as I gaped back.

"Um, thank you..."

He raised an eyebrow, testing my endurance to his charm and determination. His behavior was so, so coaxing and suggestive? Was he hinting at something? It was like something I couldn't quite grasp, like I wasn't at the same level of perspective - his maturity.

Thank you, sure. I would love to.

"But no thank you. I like sitting on the floor." I declined, feeling stupid and embarrassed, muscles in my stomach clenching at my sheepishness. Why was I acting so shy and dumb?

You idiot! Who likes sitting on floors? People with weird disorders!

I then turned around and saw a spot right at mum's feet, next to Jared, and knew I would feel more comfortable near my big brother, like somehow Damien's stare would falter if Jared, another male, was close by. Why is he being so kind to me?

"You good?" Jared asked, glancing briefly down at me, noticing our proximity; probably wondering if I had come over to spread the newest disease with him. I nodded and shrugged, not wanting to open a book that didn't need reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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