Blood on strangers

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I am sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes x(

Please enjoy and check out my character video on this side > > > > > >

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“Zoona, I just can’t get over how tall you’ve grown. I bet you’re sisters aren’t liking that.” Aunt Julie teased. He beamed at me, her eyes roaming me up and down. I smiled awkwardly. I didn’t know what to say, “I don’t think so aunt Julie. It must be because I’m wearing boots or something.”

The words came out as an awkward mumble.

Her smile didn’t cease though. At the very least it broadened. She put down the clothes she was unpacking from her huge suitcase, and strode over to me, still smiling, “Aww sweetie, why do you always think less of yourself? I defiantly think you have grown.” Her smile wasn’t joyful now but soft and sincere, it was true. I tried to smile back but it felt forced.

“Come with me,” She said softly, beaconing me over with her hand. She rummaged through her suitcase for a minute until she pulled out a small purple box. “I know it’s not Christmas yet but I want to give it to you now to open when Christmas comes, okay?” I smiled. “Thank aunt Julie.” I carefully took the box placing it in my pocket, wondering what could possibly be inside. Maybe jewelry?

“You are welcome my dear.” Julie grinned at me. She was obviously excited about what was inside. I was too. I was glad I didn’t have to open it now, it would have been awkward if I didn’t like it and would have to fake smile.

“Well, hello Zue.” Dan greeted me, after dropping another huge suitcase on the bed. Julie didn’t like to travel light. I remembered that from a young age; I used to adventure through her suitcases for chocolates and presents every Christmas. I had stopped about three years ago.

Dan embraced me in a firm huge. His hand were cold from being outside. I shivered as I felt his hands on my shoulder blades. He pulled away, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry. I was dragging my wife’s heavy suitcases throw snow. Gosh it’s cold outside!” He shot his wife a direct guilty look. She rolled her eyes.

“I like to be prepared. Besides, it wasn’t all mine; two of the suitcases are filled with presents.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone. A loving hopeless smile spread across Dan’s lips. “I know dear. You’re very heavy.” He teased. Julie frowned at his words, a very unamused look on her face. Dan laughed and walked over to place a sweet soft kiss on her cheek.

I stood there for a minute, awkwardly standing in the doorway. I guess I should leave. It might be considered rude to stay.

I went to retreat but was stopped, “Hey kiddo, where you going? I haven’t seen you in ages, how’ve you been?” Dan asked, looking at me confused as if I was doing something stupid or silly. What did he expect? He was probably going to have a make-out session with his wife? I’m not staying for that.

“Um...well, fine I guess. I was going to help mum with preparing the other guest rooms...” I mumbled, staring at my feet. I felt like I had done something bad or illegal and I had just been court red handed. It was a strange feeling. Maybe also because I had always thought Dan to be quite a good looking man. I had once even court myself looking at Dan last summer but had quickly punished and scolded myself. Even now I felt strange and uncomfortable. I felt an attraction to his charming beauty. It was the strangest feeling, one that I didn’t understand. I had never thought about telling anyone because it would seem childish and silly but above all, inappropriate. He was like thirty.

I remember I had once even looked at his lips in a distant kind of dreamy way. Even now they hadn’t changed. They looked soft and wet.

Gosh. They did look perfect....

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