Greek god in shower

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The next day was the day before Christmas and was spent wrapping presents. By now the Christmas tree was abundant with colorfully wrapped presents of all sizes. I had checked twice to see presents with my name on it. I had found eight with my name on it. I had an idea about what each of them were.

I had bought presents for everyone. Even Damien. When I had been at the mall I didn't know what to buy him. I didn't know what he liked. I even thought about not buying him a present but decided that would be just rude. So I bought something that would have humorous meaning to him. I always tried to buy presents to have a unique ironic purpose that me and the person shared, or something they might have told me that they enjoyed.

After I saw Tristan buying the ring I snuck off to the bookshop and electronic shop for a book called: How to be the best brother in law. I also got from the electronic shop a digital photo frame for pictures of Lily and Tristan. I thought it was an appropriate gift. They were getting married after all.

"Goodnight sweetie. Sweet dreams." Mum and dad said kissing my head as I went up the stair to my room. I was super tired. I didn't even know why; I had just been wrapping presents all day, nothing that active. Luckily the adults decided not to get drunk tonight and build up for the Christmas dinner tomorrow. I couldn't wait. It was the only time I didn't mind the adults getting drunk because there was always such a huge feast that no one really cared.

I undressed lazily, dropping my clothes at the foot of my bed. I clumsily rummaged through my draws, finding the first thing I touched. I didn't care what I slept in as long as I was covered.

I shrugged into an oversized grey T-shirt of dad's. It had somehow ended up in my clothes by mistake and I just kept it ever since. It was comfy and loose so it was perfect for bed. My eyes closed before my head even hit the pillow. I smiled contently to myself. Hmmm, sleep.


When I woke it could have been any other morning except it wasn't. It only took a minute of my subconscious to poke me annoyingly and a second for me to spring out of bed.

"It's Christmas!" I shouted in a shrill, wanting to dance around and some cheesy Jingle Bells song to come on like in the movies. The only response I got was a hard bang on the wall. "Shut up, Zu." Tabitha shouted back grumpily, clearly still sleeping.

A sighed. Definitely not a movie but still Christmas. I jumped to my dresser, rummaging around for some black stockings, then I dived into my shoes to seize a pair of paper brown lace-up ankle boots. I bit my lip to suppress a smile as I slid into them for a moment; they had a heel! I never was usually allowed to wear heels because I was too young plus, they made me look like a little girl wearing her mother's clothes - not today! These suited me.

I piled my outfit on my bed to then go to my wardrobe, screeching the hangers across hastily to get to the red dress I planned to wear tonight for dinner. I wanted to wear it now! It was so beautiful. You can wear it later... Deciding not to go waste time I went for the next hanger; a cream sweater.

I was almost perfect when I remembered I had to shower. I groaned and inhaled sharply, knowing my mum and Caroline would be angry if I wasn't clean for Christmas. Yes, I should definitely shower.

I sprang through the doorway hurrying to get a shower before everyone was up. I hoped dad was up! He's probably already waiting so I better be fast.

As I heaved the door open, maybe more forcefully than intended, my eyes landed on a big body. It was so strange to see such a different figure taking up the pace of a the bathroom, it was usually just Tabitha and I, not Damien.

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