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It had been two days since Tristan's brother and I had spent around the fire. And since then, we hadn't shared any conversation or interaction. He was wasn't avoiding me but I felt he was keeping his distance from me for a reason. I could help but feel offended. Maybe he realized I was really just young and boring. I would too if I was him.

I had spent the days watching him, waiting for him to ask me another random question again, but he kept his space from me.

The morning after we had first really met, I had gotten up early to see if he was there the next morning. After he didn't show I felt disappointed, but then asked myself why? Why had I felt let down? It was not like he meant anything to me. Apart from being incredibly handsome and distracting, he had simply just asked me questions about myself. Nothing to feel sad about.

After that morning I ignored him too. It had been hard; I constantly court myself staring at his body and face. Even when he wasn't asking me questions about myself I still found him distracting. Lily had even court me. She had asked to talk to me alone, and dragged me to the downstairs bathroom.

"Zoona," Lily pushed my down by the shoulders onto the toilet lid, holding me at arms length while looking me in the eyes. "I notice how you constantly look at Damien." She stated, studying my reaction to her words. I stayed still, looking back at her.

Damien. That's it. Yes, now I remember his name.

"I do not." I said bluntly, an annoyed frown forming on my face. So what! I looked at Damien every now and then, what female didn't? I had even seen Julie peer at Damien's butt when he bent over the table. It was the way he held himself; very strong, confident, polite and above all a peoples person. He had a way of saying just the right thing to appeal to someone's good side. It was a trait I had only ever seen in one other person, and that was Tristan. They both had the same dazzling smile that charmed anyone, even my dad. I imagined it was quite a handy quality to have in the business world.

The thought downed on me that, maybe, Damien had used his good looks and charm to sweet talk answers about myself.

My subconscious laughed at me. 'Of course he did, silly. Did you only just realize that?' She said in a snarky manner, and trying to make her words feel like a slap at my stupidity for not realizing sooner.

"You know what I mean Zue. He's twenty-five." Lily said, as if saying his age would give me a sudden realization or something.

This was pointless and stupid. I didn't get why she was questioning me. It's not like I had done anything wrong. If she wanted someone to tell off then she should find Tabitha; recently she had thrown herself at him and constantly talked to Damien. I had a feeling it was to do with recently breaking up with Matt.

"And?" I questioned, trying to see if she was making a point. She just searched my eyes for a minute, testing how real I felt about the whole conversation. I stayed still, looking back, my eyebrows arched waiting for an answer.

"Okay...sorry, never mind, forget I said it... Just be careful Zue." She sighed, letting the topic drop. Her hands dropped from my arms as she left me alone in the bathroom. I sat there for a minute, contemplating my sister's words. Did it really look that obvious? Did everyone notice me looking? Had dad noticed? I hope not. When my gaze did linger over Damien it was purely innocent and out of amazement. How could he look so beautiful? So charming? I didn't feel anything else towards him - I didn't know the man, how could I?

The next days were spent preparing for Christmas. All the males in the family went on a hunting trip for deer. Jared even went for his first time! When he had arrived home that day I had a big goofy grin on my face, so proud of my brother. He acted all tough and like it wasn't something to make a deal out of, but I could really tell he was just shy and didn't know how to react to the attention.

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