My beautiful sisters and boring old me.

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I am truly sorry if there is grammar and spelling mistakes but I don't really care. I don't need people telling me of the mistakes I made. I love to write and that's what matters to me. Besides, there is no point of me correcting my mistakes when I know there will still be mistakes even of I do edit.

I hope you enjoy. The beginning chapters are more of an intro to the family and characters. I have most of it planned out already.

p.s check-out my youtube clips on the side. I will be publishing a video on the characters for the first chapters.

Comment, vote, follow and read!!! Enjoy :D

It was only when I heard trudging slow footsteps did I realize it was around ten in the morning and people were starting their day. Dad kissed my head and put me down next to him on the sofa. It was time to get on with the day and dad needed to go to work. When he tried to leave I grabbed on to his arm. I wanted him to stay with me all day.

“Please don’t go dad. You could skip work today. I’m sure it would be alright.” I thought it was a valid excuse; dad never missed a day of work. I was sure just one day off wouldn’t matter. I blinked my eyes a few times at him sweetly. He chuckled.

“I must go to work today. I have a very important meeting but I promise I will be home early today. Remember, your aunt and uncle Julie and Dan are coming.” He said, trying to reassure me and tug my fingers from his arm. I pulled my fingers away reluctantly. He had a reasonable answer so I didn’t argue further. I hadn’t seen Dan and Julie since their daughter’s (my cousin) birthday last summer. Their small family would be staying with us for the Christmas break. So would my aunt Caroline. I hadn’t seen her in ages and she always brought loads of presents and a vast, extravagant assortments of chocolates. It was something our family always looked forward to when she came to visit, and to enjoy her company too of course.

“Be good Zue. Make sure all your siblings are up and ready. I will also be going to Airport to pickup Caroline and Tristan so I want the house clean.” He ordered softly. He tapped my nose playfully but I knew what he really wanted was an answer. I groaned. Caroline was excessive compulsive when it came to cleanliness. She used to complain about all the children in the family, Jared the most; she always got on Jared’s nerves but after many years of Caroline fussing over Jared wearing dirty shirts and living in a trashed room he just ignored her.

“Fine, but I’m not going to wake up Tabitha. She’s too moody in the morning.” I grumbled. It was sometimes hard being the youngest of maturity in the family. Hannah, my cousin, was actually the youngest but she didn’t count, she was four. She was Dan and Julie’s first and only child.

“Agreed. I need to go now.” He smiled and left to find and say goodbye to my sleeping mum.

Except me and dad, everyone in this family were late birds. You would think Jared or Tabitha would be the ones to sleep the most but mum held that record; I think it was about last winter (that’s the time our family sleeps the most, we’re like animals in that way) she slept from ten thirty at night till twelve at night the next day...straight.

Lily wasn’t so bad though. She had trained herself to wake up at nine or ten in the morning due to her job. It’s only when her boyfriend, Tristan, was here that she wakes up late.

Lily trudged over to me and sat down, tiredly rubbing her eyes. She grabbed one of the blankets we kept by the sofas in winter. After splaying it comfortably over herself and me she snuggled up next to me and made a content humming noise through her smiling lips.

“Your so warm Zue Zue.” She purred, her eyes closed, still dazed and sleepy. A soft smile spread further on her face as she snuggled further into me. I also smiled to myself. She looked so young when she was blissfully dozing. I stroked her soft blond hair as she napped on me. It made me feel older. Like I was a mother or an older sister.

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