drunks and a fire

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Really sorry for spelling and grammar mistake. I know they are there so no need to post comments.

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I hated it when adults drank, especially around Christmas. Every night, getting drunk and swearing. It was only Jared, Hannah and me who weren’t off our faces. Even Tabitha and Lily were hysterical with laughter as uncle Dan sang off-tune Christmas carols in the dinning room.   

Jared, Hannah and me sat on the couches watching Love Actually on the flat screen. It was a movie that came on every Christmas, and I had seen it a million times now. It was getting boring. I could tell Jared was bored too but he tried to hide it for Hannah’s sake. He attempted to keep her entertained but she kept on nagging that she wanted her mum.

“I don’t like this movie, it’s boring. I want mummy.” She whined struggling to get out of Jared’s lap. Jared held her around the torso.

“Sorry Hannah but mummy is busy. Shall we play barbies again?” Jared said desperately to distract her. She was getting tired and impatient. It was probably her bed time now anyway. I guess I could put her to bed. I had done it before. I hope she is tired already, that will make my job a lot easier. Last time I tried to put her to bed it took half an hour of her constant kicking and screaming: “no! I want to wear my unicorn pajamas!”

“I don’t want to play barbies, I want mum!” She whimpered, about to cry. Oh great! It always made me uncomfortable and distressed when a child cried. From what dad told me, I never cried as a baby or a toddler. Hannah was dramatic crier though. She makes a big deal out of it; screaming and howling as if she’s been shot. Ridiculous.

She started to cry in Jared’s arms, a stream of snout running from her nose, she didn’t care though. She just wanted mummy. Jared struggled to soothe her pathetic screeching. It was Hannah’s way of getting attention. She almost sounded worst than Dan’s impression of Jingle Bells...almost.

“Hey Hannah, I have a good idea how about we go make a card for mummy?” I attempted to divert her attention so she would stop crying. If we didn’t keep her quite the adults would realize we still existed and come to annoy me and Jared. Whenever they were drunk they had a deep interest in the most strangest of things. Aunt Caroline and uncle Dan were the worst. Caroline once wanted to know if I preferred ankle or long socks, and called me horsey-dorky because of the ponytail I was wearing at the time. Dan once even made me recite Twilight quotes and challenged me to sing the national anthem backwards.

Yes, I truly did hate what alcohol did to a person. I didn’t even know what was so great about it anyway? I promised myself I would never drink alcohol when I got older and if I did...well, it would have to be for a bloody good reason.

Hannah stopped crying. She rubbed her tears away and whipped her nose on her sleeve.

“Okay.” She sniffed, getting off Jared’s lap. I stood up from my lounging position. I didn’t really want to go make cards at nine at night, I was very comfortable and warm sitting by the fire reading or drinking hot chocolate, but anything to keep Hannah quite.

That gave me an idea.

She placed her small hand in mine, I was carful not to touch her snouty sleeve. We slowly made our way into the kitchen.

“Hey Hannah,” I said, helping Hannah up on to one of the kitchen stools. She looked up at me with big eyes. “Yes?”

“Would you like some hot chocolate with marsh mellows?” I asked. That should make her happy and quite. She nodded quickly a big smile spreading on her face. Good, my sugar trick worked. I knew Hannah would never refuse anything sweet.

YOUTHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora