Chapter 17

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There was an awkward silence that was almost suffocating me after that. Nobody spoke, but Sonya now turned her glare to the Moroi. She'd probably known about Victor's imprisonment. I was proof that word spreads among Strigoi.

Soon, I heard the sounds of my avenging angel sprinting down the stairs. I watched the door where the brothers stood whilst keeping my stake against Sonya's neck, occasionally raking it across her skin. She stayed silent, which wasn't helpful.

"So," Rose addressed them, putting her hands in her perfect hips. Godammit, Dimitri. You gave her up. Why did I have to keep reminding myself of this? "You managed to find us."

"There's one lake in this town," Victor remarked nastily. "One blue house. Maybe you had trouble with those directions, but for the rest of us, it wasn't that difficult."

"Well, if you're so smart, what's your plan now?"

"Since you're so smart, I assumed you'd have already obtained the needed information." Rose gestured at Sonya.

"She's not exactly forthcoming." He finally turned away from torturing Rose with his snide words and spared a glanced for the Strigoi.

"Sonya Karp. You've changed since I last saw you."

"I'm going to kill you all and consume you one by one," Sonya growled. "Normally I'd start with the human and work up to the Moroi, but..." She pointed her glare at Rose and I. I refused to flinch or anything. I stayed the stoic guardian I was meant to be. "I think I'll save you two for last and drag out your suffering. You've annoyed me the most."

"Do all Strigoi go through the same boot camp and learn all the same threats? It's a wonder you don't cackle too," Rose snapped, before turning back to Victor, "See? Not that easy. We've tried everything. Torturing it out, beating it out. Sydney went through the names of all her relatives. No reaction." Victor turned.

"So, your pet Alchemist," he muttered, examining her. I wanted to congratulate her for not even moving. I couldn't imagine how freaked out she would be at the moment. "Young. But of course she would be. I imagine it's the only way you could manipulate her into this little escapade."

"I'm here by choice," Sydney replied, standing her ground. "No one manipulated me." *cough cough* Abe *cough cough*

"Look, if you wanted to keep torturing me with your not-funny comments, you could've just kept invading my dreams," Rose told him. "If you don't have anything useful to offer, then get out of here and let us wait until hunger weakens Sonya." I braced myself, knowing that Rose would go after them if I ran and I would have to stay here.

"We can help," Victor finally explained. "Your methods were destined to fail. If you want answers, there's only one way to-" He was cut off by a ruckus on the chair that was Sonya. She jumped up and began to break the chain. I was on her instantly, pinning her down before she could break out any further. Rose joined me a second later and together we pinned her back on to the recliner. Our eyes met and a million thoughts flashed through. How would we keep her down now? If we couldn't keep around, we also had innocents around that Sonya could use. We were both weak and weary, not strong enough to keep her down much longer. I raked my stake across her skin more but that only made her flail around more. She growled and shrieked with rage and agony. I wondered what the neighbours thought of this.

"No!" Rose yelled. I whipped my head up. What had hurt her? I would murder Victor if he tried something. However, in the corner of my eye, a shape that was Robert holding a stake came running towards us. He was going to kill her. I couldn't put my arm over Sonya's chest without the stake going into my arm, so the opening was perfect for Robert.

Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (Dimitri's POV)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang