Chapter 31

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Hello my beautiful best friends! Thank you all SO much for sticking with me and this book! Finally logging onto Wattpad for the first time in a few years, I realized how much people actually liked this book! I decided to write one final chapter for this book to bring it to an end. & to make up for my absence, here's you final, super lengthy chapter: ))
I wasn't officially back at work yet, though I was surprised by the large amount of people who accepted my newly reinstated guardian title so quickly. I was greeted with the respect I had gained during the years before I had been turned, which surprised me even more. It just showed you how much the Moroi were influenced by what the Council had to say.

Rose was healing more and more each day. She was gradually getting stronger and stronger, especially when walking. Yesterday, she wanted to help Lissa with something but had been a little unsteady on her feet so they decided it was best to leave it until today.

It worried me to think that she was walking about the place so soon after going through what she had been through, especially as I wasn't with her to protect her. She had promised me that she'd go back to the room straight afterward to rest and I would meet her there.

After another hour of strolling around the busy grounds of Court, I realised Rose should have been back. I walked slowly back to the room we were staying in and turned the door knob gently.

She was sat up bed, her arms hugging her knees.

"Hey," she said softly as I shut the door behind me and walked over to her.

"Hey," I kissed her forehead lightly. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," she answered wearily.

I pulled off my coat and my shoes and climbed in the other side of the bed. I lay down and she moved herself so that she was close enough to be embraced. I wrapped my arms around her body and held her close. I inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. I didn't think I'd ever get enough of her.

Before I realised what she was doing, she was sucking and kissing on my neck.

"Roza..." I warned her, knowing that if she went any further, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Yes?" she murmured against my skin.

"We shouldn't..." I tried to convince her...and myself. "Doctor's orders."

"When have I ever done anything I'm told?" She lifted herself so she was above me and straddled my waist.

I could feel my control snapping.

"Plus, you know you can't resist me." she winked at me.

That was it.

My control snapped.

When we were finished, I cradled her close to me.

"I love you, you know." I said, kissing her temple.

"Hmm..." she sighed loudly, but contently, her eyes beginning to shut.

"Sleep, Roza." I whispered into her ear and held her while her eyes closed completely and she drifted off to sleep.

I didn't stay up long after that. It felt amazing to just be able to relax for once and just be with Rose; holding her and loving her.

I woke early the next morning. It was the first proper full night sleep I had gotten since before I could remember.

Looking down at the gorgeous woman in my arms, I reminded myself just how lucky I was.

Being a dhampir, the most I ever expected to get out of life was my dignity, dying the way most, if not all, guardians did.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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