Chapter 21

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"Stop staring at her," Victor hissed in my ear. "Honestly, you don't half make it obvious." I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"You. She's not even there anymore." He shook his head. "I can't believe I'm the only one who figured it out. I was right. Everyone else is incredibly dumb." I felt my hands curl up into fists.

"Don't mention anything about me and Rose. That finished a long time ago." He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I continued to watch the house, half guarding it and half hoping I'd get some clues. I could just about see through the window into their living room. There were six figures inside: Rose, Sonya, Sydney, a man, a woman and...was that another woman? She was quite tall. I couldn't work it out. Victor muttered something under his breath and I restrained myself from slamming his mouth shut.

Robert woke up then, and glanced over sleepily (AN: I can't remember if he woke up before :D). He stayed silent and Victor sighed. The figures in the window disappeared, but I could see a few heads. They must've sat down.

"Belikov?" Victor murmured.


"What's going on?"

"How could I possibly know that?"

"Well, you're the 'all-amazing guardian'. I thought you could do everything," he sneered. My hand shook.

"Why don't you put your Moroi hearing to good use and try to help me?"

"Why should I help you?"

"Because we'll turn you in otherwise." He fell silent, probably contemplating the chances that we weren't going to let him go anyway. Of course we weren't. It'd be silly to think otherwise.

After a while, I saw a blonde figure leap up. Sydney.

"She doesn't sound happy," Victor murmured.

"No," Robert confirmed. "Her aura's...humiliated." I frowned.

"Probably something about being human in a Moroi household," I explained. They both nodded. I wondered how much longer this sort of peace would last. Sydney was pulled back down and there was another minute that passed without event until the woman appeared again and sat down. I frowned. Who was she talking to? What had happened so far?

Suddenly, the woman jumped up again, and even I could hear her shouting. Victor's eyes widened.

"She said...she doesn't want them there. She's going to call the police if they don't get out," he told me. I gaped. That would be really bad. Three 'criminals', one mental person and two other's all squished in a four seater car would not look good with the human police. Let alone the guardians.

"She can't let that happen!" I cried, but it wasn't like I could do anything about it.

"Jezz, cradle-robber, have some faith." I looked up and gave him a bizarre look.

"Oh? Is that what you're going to say when we get taken away by the guardians?"

"I thought you loved this girl. I thought you trusted her. I thought you believed in her. You're really giving off mixed signals, you know." I shook my head.

"For crying out loud, Victor, will you stop with the snarky remarks! This is serious, you know."

"Of course I know," he said. "I'm not stupid." I raised an eyebrow and then made the mistake of looking at his brother. He grabbed my arm in the strongest hold I'd felt from a Moroi. "I know what you're insinuating, Belikov. But I mean this. If you ever say anything of the sort about my brother I will kill you." I held up my hands in defense, easily shaking off Victor's hand.

"Woah, I didn't mean anything. I wasn't trying to say anything," I backed up.

"I saw the way you looked at him. Don't think you can fool me, Belikov. You didn't before and you don't now." I sat myself further away from him. "Are you listening?"

"Yes, of course, sir" I muttered and continued to watch the window. Apparently I'd missed something important. Most of the people inside were standing up, and they appeared to be having some sort of argument. I wished desperately I was in there, able to support them all and help out in some way. Sitting in this car was just painful.

And then, as if my fairy godmother had waved her wand, Rose walked out and smiled. I breathed a sigh of relief.

She was followed by Sonya and Sydney and together Sonya and Robert combined their powers to disguise him and Victor. Rose and I were both extremely surprised by grateful all the same. Before we went in, Rose explained the situation.

"The last Dragomir is..." she took a deep breath, "Jill Mastrano." I frowned.

"Who?" I wondered, vaguely recalling the name and wondering why I should.

"We met her before. After I was doing community service at the church and we had to take those books back. She was there. She was really excited to meet us, remember?" I had a dim recollection of a tall Moroi girl with lots of frizzy brown hair.

"Oh yes. She's a Dragomir?"

"Yeah. I can't see why I didn't realise earlier. She's got Lissa's eyes." It reminded me of a comment of Victor's about how no-one else had noticed Rose and I.

"Well, sometimes it just seems natural." She smiled.

"I suppose," she murmured. "Anyway, Emily-her Mom-has invited us all in for dinner and stuff."

"How hospitable of her." She smirked..

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