Shadowed By No One

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I got up, after the end of what I considered a hallucination. Just my mind toying at me again. I probably hadn't slept enough. Yeah, that was it, sleep.

I pulled on some jeans quickly and yanked a tee over my head, buttoning the collar to the top. Super classy. And dorky. In perfect likeness to me. I'd be working in the studio that day. That was always relaxing.

I always felt like I could get any and every feeling out when I was there. My home away from home. I could clear my mind there, write about it, let it out. I often did most of my pondering there.

As I got to the car, my shadow seemed to follow me, as it normally should, but there was something irregularly off. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Almost a taunting vibe had tugged at me, through my shadow, if that's even possible. And I could've sworn I saw something, or someone dark, in the corner of my eye. Again, lack of sleep, right?

Yeah. Lack of sleep.

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