Chapter 11

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A very fast update but a short yet very important one. Finally I'm feeling like I could write some emotions I wanting to since a long time. 

Thanks to all my lovely readers and sweetyheart friends for voting and commenting. I feel honored for the trust you guys have in me. Stay with me, support me always you awesome people. Love you...

Thanks Ipswich1 for correcting a major mistake of mine. :)



A wild blast of color greeted Evan the first thing. Ramona's hair. With furrowed brows, inspecting eyes and a satisfying soul... his vision went more downwards at her bare shoulder, her beautiful silky back made him want to trace his fingers upon the line of her spine and he was almost about to do just that when his shirt which was partially covering her very... very delicious a** caught his attention. That's when he sprang upto a sitting position and noticed his own naked self.

"Damn it!!" He muttered a curse under his breath. What had he done, what had they done!! Last night...

He breathed heavily remembering all about last night... and remembering about it all in so lustrous details had his manhood throb in anticipation yet again. It had felt like heaven being inside her, she made him loose his mind and almost his consciousness as he released deep within.

Evan rubbed his head like he was trying to scrub off all his hair and with that his brain too, because recently it wasn't being of any use.

The storm had subsided long ago and the sun seeping through the window blinds was illuminating her glorious skin like it was made of honey dew. And he clearly remembered how it felt under his fingers, his lips and... the taste... her taste.

My goodness!!

He was staring at her in awe and then his eyes fell on the marks on her waist, there were a few of them on her back too. He moved her face closer to have a proper view.

Scars!! So much of them.

Had she been cutting herself ?

Evan found himself shaking inside. First a drunkard... and now she was a self destructive b**** too, wasting away her life like it had no value.

Unaware to him Ramona was getting awakened too, slowly.

Opening her heavy eyes it took Ramona a few good minutes to process where she was now but it didn't take a lot of time for her to have the flashes of last night. It was the best night, best s** of her life and considering the only other guy she had slept with was only - Lucas and his memories now made her disgusted only, nothing else.

But last night had overpowered that strong disgust and hatred she possessed in her heart, it was like Evan's intimate touches and his so attentive exploration of her body had evaporated flawlessly any trace of Lucas's touch... apart from those scars he left behind, even if it was only for those few wild hours.

Heavy breaths, warm and shivering made her twist her head back. Against the sunlight coming from the window she blinked, as soon as she saw Evan her heart beats accelerated to an impossible speed, his strong jaw, that delicious neck and his lips now pressed into a thin line... she remembered exploring them all so intimately last night as the storm going on outside had it's horrid music playing non-stop but that only pushed them towards the unexpected pleasure in the end.

His eyes which had felt like could read her soul and touch her inner-most secret... was now stuck on with a furrow and anger seeping out of it... on where she knew were her scars.

Her eyes widened in shock and in a lightening speed she threw her hands over her chest and stomach to cover as much as she could.

Her movements made Evan snap out of his trance like state, he looked up to meet her eyes.

Ramona thanked the God for Evan had not looked at her front in the morning, the ugliest of scars were there the most... so she tried covering her front as much as she could while half turning away from him.

Entranced by the woman, forgetting about the possible new information about her... Evan reached forward to remove those hairs covering her shoulder like a silky net.

His fingers were almost about to make contact with her skin but came to a shocking stop when she jerked away from his reach. "Don't touch me! Don't..."

Feeling rejected Evan looked away. The earlier anger in him climbed a notch higher. "It's not like I'll be honored or something touching a woman like - YOU."

He stood on his feet controlling the urge to look at Ramona still half laying on the floor. If he looked at her then, he would have seen the tears slowly forming in her eyes, clouding her vision.

Ramona stared at the carpet a few feet away. She recalled the day when the majority of the scars were placed on her body as if Lucas had been practicing some form of art on her skin, her flesh. The carpet beside her was bloodied that day, her screams had been muffled but still seemed so ghostly and insane in her own ears. Her screams and Evan's words now, had mixed themselves like a kind of limbo from where escape wasn't possible.

A jacket was thrown over her body rather unceremoniously. Startled and dragged out of the lost state she was in, she looked up at Evan.

Wearing his pants only he was walking towards the bathroom already as he barked back. "Get dressed."

Humiliation so deep hit her in waves. Feeling utterly insulted and used she questioned herself, was she destined to feel like this only as men used her and left her to pick up her pieces... just like Lucas used to do?

They're all the same. She chuckled to herself while warm liquids made there ways down her eyes, they fell over her shaking hands that were trying to find the buttons on her half ripped shirt.

So that's why Evan had thrown his jacket on her. How generous of him to remember that he had ripped the buttons of her shirt during his ravage of her body that she willingly participated in like a fool.

And it felt like he had thrown a stray bone her way. She shoved that jacket and his shirt that was covering her lower half - away. A muffled sob escaped her lips while she stood up wrapping her destroyed shirt on herself as much as she could.

Like a bat out of hell she stumbled out in the city. The awaited destruction by the storm on the streets and the crowd of people who lost their houses and loved ones... greeted her, getting along with her, accompanying her.



There're so many judge-mental people around us. They point a finger before thinking, laugh at you before knowing the whole story, gossip and say all the bad things about you without even bothering to hear your point of view. Look at the mirror for once, are you one of them? 

Back to the chapter, how was it? You guys liked it or not? 

The next chapter's surely going to be bigger than this. The thing is, I couldn't stop myself from uploading this chapter the moment I finished writing it... so forgive me if you felt like - the room had ended the moment you just stepped inside it. :D

Please don't forget to vote, comment, follow me and share this story with your friends. I really really need your support. So step up, don't be shy... Lara's waiting for you here. :)

Lot's of love, hugs and kisses.
- Lara.

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