Chapter 29

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I just realized something, that I haven't been dedicating the chapters of this book to anyone recently. And that's really so bad of me. :( So I'll try to be good again and dedicate the past chapter's which're without dedication to readers, friends of mine. :D Back to smiling again. I tend to be so absentminded sometimes!!

Here's the next chapter. Read it, enjoy it, then vote, comment and follow/fan me.

People who've been voting and commenting, thank you so much! I love u all, know that. <3



Ramona licked her dry lips and resisted the urge to dig out all the food that she had shoved down that little crack on the floor. Beneath that crack must be a large hole something, she guessed by the way all the food disappeared through it. She was hungry and thirsty, but she knew not to give into them and help herself with the food and water Lucas had offered her. So, to busy her mind that was on the brink of having a panic attack, she thought of all the useless things. Like what had made this crack on the floor? Some mice, or a snake... She noticed then, there were a lots of timer cracks and holes than the one near her, all over the floor in the room. The cabin might be pretty old to be in that condition.

She watched as the sun disappeared, the twilight slowly began creeping up out the window.

Lucas was out for too long. He might have gone too far to bring all that food and things he was talking about. It made it more clear to her that this hill was truly deserted.

The feeling of the cold metal of the handcuff on her skin, the hard floor underneath, the stings of pain wherever Lucas had hit her and now the looming darkness... all this made her heart sink in despair. Apart from the owl hooting outside, it was absolutely quiet. This sort of quiet would make any human being, and in a state of imprisonment, go near madness.

Ramona concentrated on her own breathing... slow, heavy breathing. She dragged the plate and covered the crack with it. Her nails made slow screeching noise across it's uplifted edge. The plate was made of some kind of heavy metal. Ramona wandered, from where Lucas had got it. Might be from those antique shops back in town.

Her town! What wouldn't she give to go back there, to close her eyes in Evan's arms, to hold Julius once again. To scold her stupid brother Harry and...

Her wishful thoughts were interrupted at the noise of a car halting to a stop.

Lucas! He had come back.

She heard the front door open and his footsteps approaching the room she was kept in. Looking up, she got surprised at the sight of Lucas's lit up face. What was he so happy about?

He sat down on the floor before her again. It didn't take long for him to begin speaking.

"It had been a pain in the a** to keep up that disguised look and go down to the local area crossing all the check posts. But you know what, honey, on my way back they were already so loose in all the checking stuffs. In fact, they're taking down all the check posts now."

Lucas chuckled at the sight of how Ramona's face fell, her confused frown also didn't get unnoticed. He patted her head chuckling some more. "They're already giving up on searching for you. I can't believe, Ramona, for these people you left me? Look at me, Ramona, and look at how I never gave up on you. This is the difference between them and me." Lucas bragged.

He smiled with pride.

Ramona gulped down the urge to scoff. She didn't believe him. Lucas didn't know what love was. They would never give up on her, they would keep searching for her, even if it took a whole lifetime to find her.

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