About Me

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Hey guys. So for some reason, I have been itching to tell you guys about me and do like facts or something so that's what I'm going to do. I know you don't care, but I'm doing it anyways.

1. I was going to tell you my full name but decided against it
2. I am 15 years old, born on May 22, 2000
3. I am allergic to juniper trees, passion fruit and cats. And ironically my mom bought a cat. But don't worry, the symptoms aren't life threatening
4. My favorite viners of all time are the Dolan Twins. I'm more of a Grayson girl though but Ethan is amazing as well!
5. I love to longboard
6. I have super loose joints. The right amount of force and my arm is out of its socket
7. I live in Washington State
8. I love walruses
9. I have a gap in my wrist bone.
10. I snore really loudly
11. If I am woken up from a deep sleep I will fall back asleep but be half awake and act drunk (I have told many secrets at sleepovers I would have liked to keep) PS: They had to wake me up because of my snoring.
12. My favorite subject is math.
13. My dream car is a 1971 Chevy El Camino. I love classic cars.
14. I hate coffee
15. I love scary movies
16. My favorite sport is football
17. My biggest pet peeves:
When someone chews really loudly/chews with their mouth open. I absolutely hate that!!
When people interrupt me
When people cut me off when I'm walking
18. The three states I wished I lived in besides Washington:
New Jersey
19. I love rain
20. My favorite season is fall/winter
21. I hate dresses/skirts/jeans. I only wear leggings and t-shirts and sweatshirts. And I never wear makeup
22. My favorite clothing brands are:
Shirts- Affliction
Shoes- Vans
Pants- PINK

I don't know why just felt like putting all of that. Enjoy the rest of the book!

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