Chapter 1 - Pilot

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Fucking shit. School. It's currently 6:00am. Fun. I look around my room and see my dog Jack lying on my bed, he's a Siberian husky. I wrap my arms around him and smoosh my face into him. I lazily roll out of my soft comforter. I stumble to the washroom and look at my reflection. Just one more day until the weekend. One day. I grab my face wash and cleanse my face. I put on my everyday makeup look. Small winged out eyeliner, mascara and chap stick on my lips. That's all the makeup I wear because my face is always clear of acne (blessed) and I like my little freckles to be seen. I get dressed super quickly because who really cares about their appearance at school. I put on my skinny jeans and a black Adidas hoodie since I'm ice cold all the time. I grab my school bag from my desk and go downstairs.

"MOM...DAAD" I yell

Well my parents aren't home, the usual. I take a green apple from the fruit bowl. I cut up the apple and eat the slices for breakfast as well as a glass of orange juice. I put my dishes away and quickly swing my bag onto my back while slipping on my converse and walk out the door on my way to school.

School consists of me sitting next to my best friends (and pretty much the only two people I trust in this school) Amber and Justin in almost every class and me crying on the inside for a solid six hours. School usually flies by because I don't do much and because it's one of those things that comes really easy to me.
I hear a bell ring. Lunch bell. Me and Amber begin walking to my locker so I can put my books away and so we can meet up with Justin who didn't have the last class with us.

"Hey! Sydney right?" I turn around at the sound of my name and see a girl walking my way. Um I've never seen this girl in my entire life.

"Uh yeah, hey" oh wait I see where this is going, shit.

"Hey I was wondering if you could get Ethan and Grayson to sign this and give it back to me tomorrow? Please, I'm a huge fan"

"Oh... they're actually touring right now and I don't know the next time I'm going to see them so um I'm not sure, sorry.."

"Oh uhh, that's ok! Thank you though!" The girl quickly rushed away to the cafeteria

"Wow sixth time this week!!" Amber says jokingly

"I know, I should be used to it by now but...ew why do they want my brothers autographs and why have I been getting asked more than once a day? I mean my brothers are losers in real life" I say while rolling my eyes

We walk to the cafeteria and meet Justin and then buy some sandwiches and before we know it, it's last period, finally. I sit through math occasionally listening but not joining conversation. The bell rings which means, WEEKEND. Before I can leave my teacher, Mrs. L, calls me to her desk.

"So Sydney, I know you do not participate in classroom discussions but I think that you should honestly move up to advanced placement mathematics, you are one, if not, my best student this semester and I think moving up to AP will be good for you considering your marks"

"Oh um thank you but I really don't know" I say somewhat confused because I don't do shit in this class

"You don't need to make a decision right now but please think about it"

I flash a quick smile to Mrs. L before I walk out of the classroom. I like math but I would feel so out of place in AP, I mean everyone is so smart, whatever, it's the weekend so I don't need to worry about this right now.

I would usually hang out with Amber and Justin after school but Amber has a soccer tournament over the weekend and she leaves tonight and Justin has to go to his grandmas, loser.

As I'm about 3 houses away from my house I see...a car in my driveway? My mom and dad are in Jamaica (I think) and Ethan and Gray are in Florida. So hopefully I don't get raped.
I walk up to my house and unlock the door. I'm greeted by my dog jack, he seems extra excited today.

"Hello?" I say, entering my house. I then hear footsteps from my living room.

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