Chapter 7 - Fair

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The car ride was fun, a little long, but fun. The anticipation was fucking killing me. I haven't been to the fair in so long because where I live in New Jersey, there's not a ton of fairs but mainly because my best friends Amber and Justin hate fairs and I don't exactly have any other friends. I'm a loser back in New Jersey, remember. I slowly started to bounce up and down in my seat but when the top of the Ferris wheel was visible, I lost it. Cameron noticed.

"So I assume you like fairs" Cameron laughed. I just smiled in response. We pulled into the parking lot and managed to find a somewhat close parking spot to the entrance. Hayes opened his door to the right of me and before he could get out of the car I hopped out in front of him and jumped out of the car. I started to walk...well speed walk to the entrance. I walked through the entrance and stood there in awe. IM SO EXCITED. I turned around to see everyone walking at a regular pace...except for Aaron? Aaron was running and caught up to me.

"I guess we're more excited to be here then them" Aaron laughed and pointed to the rest of the group. I lead Aaron to the ticket booths and we bought ourselves a shit ton of tickets. The group caught up to us and bought their tickets as well. Aaron stayed with the group while I wandered away looking at the rides. The fair was glooming with red and yellow flashing lights, it was a celebration of madness. The sky was dotted with a few fluffy clouds and the aroma of sizzling hotdogs drifted through the air. I heard a 'hey' from behind me which startled me and I quickly turned around. It was Hayes. He was jogging my way and started walking next to me.

"I never finished what I was going to say back at the house, and I didn't want to say it in the car with everybody there so...well-" I cut Hayes off

"Hayes it's okay, really it doesn't mat-"

"No I have to say sorry" Hayes stopped me from walking. "You thought...or maybe still think that I hate you but I don't, I never will. I'm sorry that I ignored you, I just...thought that you had a thing with Matt just sucked. So I know that wasn't a good apology but I mean it and I still want to spend time with you" Hayes looked at me, his eyes deepened to a dark blue.

"I forgive you" I smiled. It kind of scared me but Hayes wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his waist and my face was resting on his chest. We stayed there for a while but then I let go, instantly regretting it. We were walking around for a while, passing by those games that you can play to win a stuffed animal. We walked to one ride, "The Avalanche". We gave the man our tickets and sat down beside each other, strapping ourselves in. And that's how our extremely fun night started.

After hours that felt like minutes, night swept over the fair and a sea of luminous stars fell amongst the ocean of blackness. The whole fair was lit up with every colour you could possibly imagine and Hayes and I went on nearly every ride. Except for one.

"Ouuu Hayes we haven't gone on all the rides yet" I wiggled my eyebrows

"Which one?" He asked looking around

I smirked "the ferris wheeeeeel" I said with a big smile on my face. I also did jazz hands for extra effect. Hayes was smiling but his eyebrows were raised

"Seriously. Does the Ferris wheel even count as a ride" He asked, still smiling

"Yes" I smiled and dragged him to the line. We had to wait because the line was so long. I could feel his eyes on me. This is the second time he has done this, but this time, it wasn't weird, it was...comforting. The line became shorter and finally it was our turn. We handed the woman our tickets and we got in our little cart. Hayes sat down on the seat and I sat down across from him. He gave me a weird look and patted the spot next to him. I rolled my eyes and smiled. It was silent for a moment but then Hayes spoke up.

"Today was so much fun, last time I went to the fair it was me and Nash and I didn't have nearly this much fun" Hayes said looking at the view of the fair in front of us. I moved closer to him. It was a comforting silence for a minute or so.

"Can I ask you a question" I spoke softly

"Yeah, anything" Hayes replied looking at me

"So when you thought that Matt and I had a thing, you were sad and angry I guess. Why is that? Do you not like Matt?" I looked at him

He sighed "Uh...well" He started. He scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. I raised my eyebrows as a sign saying 'continue'

"I uh didn't want you and Matt to have a thing because..uh well Matthew is a good guy and all its just that..well-" Hayes stuttered

"Oh my god Hayes just spit it out, it's okay" I smiled slightly and looked into his eyes. He looked to the ground. I have an idea where this is going but Jesus, I still want to know for sure.

"Um well I didn't want Matt to 'take you away' I guess because I really like spending time with you. In other words, you more than a friend" He scratched the back of his neck. I moved closer to him and put my head of his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist which warmed me up. We stayed silent while the breeze from the cool crisp air brushed our skin and the lights of the fair flickered below us, leaving the jet black night above our heads. I've never had a perfect life, but right now was the closest I've ever felt to having one.

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