Chapter 2 - Announcement

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My heart is pounding. Who would be inside my house?
I gather up all my courage to yell "Hello" once more.

"Sydie?" A deep voice says. Wow i'm an idiot, there's not a murderer in my house. Only one person calls me that. I run to the voice and hug him tightly


"I missed you so much Syd"

"I missed you too, where's Gray?"

"He's upstairs but we have a little surprise for you, we hope you'll like it!"

Oh god "okay!" I manage to say, I'm kind of scared, knowing my brothers

"Grayson get down here" Ethan yells.
I see Gray come downstairs and I hug him tightly for a while, I missed them too much . We all sit down in the living room and then Grayson starts to talk

"Soo we have a surprise but we kind of had to do it since mom and dad told us to so I don't know if that still counts" Wow great ok nice effort

"Well we are going to California tomorrow for Magcon aaandd you're coming!!!" Ethan says with excitement (a/n: ik that the Dolan twins weren't in the original Magcon but just go with it)

"Uh why am I coming? I mean I usually just stay here" I love my brothers but when I'm with them I get a lot of attention and I don't like that

"Well mom and dad don't want you to be alone so much and plus you haven't seen us in so long"

"But I'm always home alone so I'm used to it"

"Exactly, mom and dad don't like it how you're always alone" Gray looked at me with sincere eyes. Being alone all the time isn't that bad. I thought to myself.

"Uh well how long will we be there for? I mean I still need to keep up with school work" Not that I really give a shit about school, I'm just trying to get out of being surrounded by teenage boys for God know how long.

"We would be there for a month, you will do online school during some days so you don't fall too far behind" Grayson explains and then flashes a white smile before continuing, "We know you don't like this stuff Sydney but mom and dad said that you kind of have to go" I really don't want to go...wait. California? As in we're going to Las Angeles? Ok actually I change my mind lets go.

I pack for hours and check the time. 11:30. Crap I have to get up at 3. I mentally curse myself for letting me procrastinate for a solid 4 hours. I hop into my soft bed and think about how awesome Cali will be and how I will get to spend time with my brothers for the first time in way too long. Then, I felt sleep take over me.

Oh my god
Rlly early, too early
I  slowly roll out of bed and wash my face in the bathroom.
I keep my trackpants on and put on one of my hoodies. I grab my suitcase and carry-on and bring it downstairs. Ethan and Grayson are already downstairs ready to go and they made breakfast. I eat a little bit but not a lot because it's hard for me to eat super early so I basically just ate some fruit. I put on my Birkenstocks and put my luggage in the car. I then grab my tea and sit in the back seat and jack curls up next to me. I patiently wait for Grayson and Ethan to get in the car while I'm half - dozing off, half - trying not to spill the hot tea all over me.

I wake up to our arrival at the airport.
Our flight boards at 6 so anytime now.

After a while I hear "Flight 202 straight boarding to Los Angeles, California"

"That's us, grab your bags, and Sydie make sure Jack doesn't freak out too much" Ethan says while leading us to our gate.

We get on the plane and I have a seat right next to the window, it's only a 5 hour plane ride but plenty of time to sleep. I slowly close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

"Syd, Syd wake up were here" I wake up and see Grayson shaking me

"Ok ok I'm up geez lets go" I say annoyed and tired.

We grab our luggage and we have our carry-ons. We exit out of the airport and get in our taxi. Jack is still sleepy from all the pills he had to take before the flight, to keep him calm during takeoff.

After a 30 minute drive, we arrive at our "house" for the next month and we get our things out of the taxi. Wow, I've never seen so many Palm trees and its hot as hell outside. It's 1:00pm so it's so beautiful outsi...wait a minute.

"Holy shit..." I say under my breath



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