My Dear

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We got back to Aladine at around one that night, I couldn't wait to get off the damn bus full of smelly guys and sleep in my own bed that night. Call me crazy, but I absolutely hate hotel pillows and blankets and beds in general, all I wanted to do was sleep in my own bed for a week.

"So how was it?" Mom asked as we drove home.

"Awesome," I yawned, "But I'm exhausted."

"Your pictures were great," she said, "I'm really glad you got to go."

"Me too," I said, staring out the window.

"You thinking about something?" she asked.

"How nice it's going to feel to sleep in my own bed," I laughed. Actually mom I was thinking about how nice it was when I fell asleep on Logan Campbell's shoulder on the way home and thinking about how amazing it would be the next time he kissed me.

"I don't know how you don't like hotel beds," she laughed, "Especially considering you guys were in a pretty nice hotel."

"I prefer my nasty old pillow over fluffy new ones any day," I laughed.

"You're crazy," she laughed, "Hungry?"
"A little," I replied as she pulled into the McDonald's drive through.

"Want a cheeseburger and fries?" she asked as she pulled up to the speaker.

"Sure," I said as she ordered.

As we drove the rest of the way home, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder back to Logan and what he said on the bus. He wanted to make a relationship work, he's the one who said he had feelings for me before I told him I felt the same. This was all foreign to me, I was used to being the only one in the relationship who actually cared, the only one who wanted something more than just an awkwardly flirty friendship. Nobody had ever liked me and actually admitted it before. I'd never even kissed a guy before he planted one on me in the Skillet parking lot last Sunday morning. I wasn't about to tell my mom about any of it though, I'd wait until the time was right and I knew she wasn't going to be pissed at me.

When we got home, I didn't even bother to get my bags out of the back of the car, instead, I made my way right up to my bedroom and plopped down on the bed and drifted off to sleep.


I slept until one thirty in the afternoon the next day, I was very thankful we got home early Sunday morning instead of Monday, that way I had two days to sleep in before getting up at nine on Tuesday.

"Sup bro?" Laura greeted later on Tuesday as I waited for my next class.

"I'm so fucking tired," I groaned, "I slept twelve hours Sunday night and ten last night and I'm still whipped."
"Well it was kind of a long weekend," she remarked.

"Very," I sighed, "I'm glad I went though, it was a blast."

"Good!" she said, "Now, want to do my macro homework for me while I do my micro homework?"
"Hell no," I laughed.

"Never ever, ever take macro and micro economics in the same semester," she said in a serious tone, "It's fucking awful."
"Are you going to die?" I asked with a straight face.

"Yes, in fact, I am," she replied.

"Don't die before Friday, they're having a huge thing for the Varsity team to celebrate winning the title at the rink," I laughed.

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