Knowledge and the long way out.

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They all stepped through and stared gob-smacked. They stood on a run-way path, out lined in futuristic neon blue, surrounded by very tall modern lit up buildings that went high into the clouds. In front of them was a white building, just a little smaller than the grand hall. Happy walked over to the doors and pulled them open,"Come on guys,"

They followed him in to see technology everywhere, inventions, tools, blueprints left out on desks. The desks were white like the floor and the walls were forest green. On the desks were highly advanced computers, 3D printers and so on. Hung on the walls were massive white boards filled with complex maths equations, they didn't understand any of it. A stair case in the corner of the room as well.

Happy was looking for someone, his eyes scanning the lab until he sighed then shouted,"KNOWLEDGE!!!"at the top of his lungs, sounding like a Berk horn. After a second a door was herd opening and footsteps coming down some stairs. They turned to see Hiccup in a yellow top coming down the stairs balancing several books in both hands and on his head.

"Yes, Happy?" he put down the books.

"They have been sucked into our mind, do you know how they can get out?"

He nodded his head,"To get out you must visit the main emotions,"

"Why, isn't there a short cut?" asked Snotlout.

"No, visiting the emotions is like following a path, you get to last emotion, you reach the end of the path,"


"So, knowledge," Astrid said,"Do you know what emotion is next?"

"I believe it's brave," he answered.

"When do we leave, I need to tend to my village," Said Stoick.

"And my forge," chirped Gobber.

"You can leave now,"

"Bye knowledge,"


Happy and the others walked out, stepping through the portal just a black bird flew off.

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