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They arrived back in the middle of the academy. Hiccup turned to his father," Spitlout needed you. He's at his house." he nodded and walked off with Valka and their Dragons.

Hiccup slowly turned to the others," So... You still gonna accept me,"He gestures to himself," Now knowing what I am?"

"Hiccup, you saved our lives. Of course we are still going to accept you. Yes you may have more evil than us but that doesn't make you evil."

"Thanks Astrid,"

"Well on that cheery note. I'm hungry and there is no food here so lets go eat!" exclaimed Snotlout as he started to leave with the twins and Fishlegs. Hiccup and Astrid shared one last grin before following them out.


Hey guys, this is the end of my first story. There will be more coming and ones better than this. Hopefully. I still am proud of completing this story but I re-read it and found I did make some mistakes and can't be bothered going back and sorting them out. However I am really happy and I really appreciate all the reads, comments and votes it got. Thank you.

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