The last Realm.

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They all stepped through the portal into an open field with grass just higher than their hips. And there, in the grass, was another Hiccup in a grey top. "That's timid/sadness," informed Hiccup. He walked over and kneeld down, placing a hand on the emotions shoulder,"Hey timid, how are you?"

"Good,"He looked up with his sad eyes. Toothless came up and nudged him, a small smile appeared whilst he petted him. Valka was wondering how early Hiccup was up since she woke up around 6:00 and he wasn't there."Hiccup, when did you wake up this morning?"

"Before the sun appeared,"

"That's far too early, when did you sleep?"

"Late, about 2am," She shook her head.

"That's far too late, son. You're having an early night tonight,"


Snotlout looked abashed,"You're allowed to stay up that late?!"

"No, he isn't but he doesn't listen," answered Stoick.

"And you do it with out permission, my dad would be soo mad, he would probably ground me!"

"He's been grounded multiple times but breaks them so I gave up,"  


"Who knew Hiccup was such a reliable," boasted Tuff.

"Yeah," agreed Ruff.

"Right, C'mon guys let's go. See you later Timid," As they started walking Timid's eyes shot open and he shouted,"Wait HICCUP!" he turned.

"Emm, be careful," This made everyone, even the dragons but Hiccup nervous.


"Em, rage kind of got out,"

Hiccups eyes narrowed,"Why didn't anyone tell me?" he said in a stern voice.

"Because rage is scary so when you're angry, you're scary,"

Hiccup sighed and said in a calm tone,"Okay Timid, I will sort it. Bye," he gave a small wave.

"Bye," he returned the wave.

Then once again his eyes turned white, his hand glowed black and the portal appeared. They stepped through it. Timid sighed in relief that he didn't lash out.

                                                                            --Meanwhile with Rage--

Rage held out a finger as the raven landed, his four red eyes looking at the bird,"Well, Well let's pay our friends a visit," he crackled, a short laugh escaping his lips. He closed his eyes and his body glowed red before growing and changing form to Trigon the Terrible. Hiccups second father. Then in a swift (flick of that wrist) hand flick, a gust of grey earth surrounded him like a tornado, he disappeared leaving no trace of anyone ever there.

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