The Aftermath

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This is my first fanfic so idk how it's going to go especially because I'm not too good at writhing romantic stories but ill do my best and try to have a chapter every week
<After defeating father Roy and Riza are being treated at the hospital. Roy has recently regained his eyesight>
The rain is beating against the windowsill. Roy has always hated the rain yet he longs to leave his hospital room and go outside for a bit. If it wasn't for the company of Riza he probably would have gone crazy being stuck in that room. The lieutenant is in the bed next to him, sleeping. Has she always looked this peaceful in her sleep? He thought.

The rain kept tapping in the glass. He decided to catch up on his paperwork. The wounds on his hands were almost completely healed and he could hold a pencil just fine. He started signing documents. In a few hours he too had fallen asleep.

<The next morning>
Roy woke up to see the lieutenant smiling down at him. "I was wondering when you would finally wake up." She said. Roy looked up at her. She was the first thing he saw every morning.
Her golden-blond hair, her amber eyes, her beautiful smile, and her pink lips. He thought of putting his lips on hers She's your subordinate he thought that would be inappropriate, unprofessional, and not to mention breaking the rules. "Good morning lieutenant." He said. She sat on his bed next to him " How has the paperwork been coming, sir? " She asked. "Fine I guess" he responded "It's not like I have anything better to do. " "I don't care what your motivations are as long as the work gets done I'm happy." She said.

There was a long pause of silence. Finally Riza broke the silence by asking " What would you have done if I had died?" This was the first time time
The incident had been brought up. Roy normally tried to avoid talking about it. So much had happened at the third laboratory. Another long pause of silence. " You can't avoid talking about it forever." Riza said. Still more silence. "Knowing you you probably would become furher
and enforce your mini skirts act." She chuckled. "It's not funny!" He snapped
at her." I couldn't possibly have moved on without you. You mean so much to me that the thought of losing you is unbearable! That's why I don't talk about it!"

The lieutenant turned away from him "I'm sorry." She said. Roy let out a sigh. The thought of losing Riza was too much for him to handle. It would have been his fault. There was a knock on the door and a nurse entered. "Both of you are being discharged." The nurse said. "Finally!" Roy said although part of him would miss sharing a room with Riza. " Just take it easy." She said. "Don't worry." Riza said "I'll make sure he does." The nurse left the room. "

Sir. .........I know how you feel." Riza said. "What do you mean?" Roy asked " about when you said you didn't want to think about losing me." She responded

" I remember when I thought that homunculus had killed you." The lieutenant started to choke on her words "I.....I couldn't I" To Roy's bewilderment the lieutenant was crying. She never let people see her cry, not even in Ishval. Roy pulled her close to him and held her. "It's ok I'm right here" he said. Now's your chance he thought kiss her! Roy wouldn't have done it but he could hear Hughes in the back of head telling him to "get a wife" He looked her straight in the eyes and began to lean in. She didn't pull away.

They were about to touch lips when the door swung open. It was Havoc, Fury, Fallman, and Braeda. Both of them pulled back immediately. "Are we interrupting something?" Havoc asked. " Nope! Not at all!" Riza responded. "Good." Said Fury " we heard you two got discharged" "we wanted to congratulate you" said Fallman. "Ok thank you!" Said Roy. "We'll leave you two alone." Said Braeda as they left the room.

I was so close Roy thought. Was she into it too? She didn't pull away. She also didn't lean in. "I should get going, sir." Riza said. " See you at work tomorrow." "Ya ok sure." Roy responded. Then she left. She acted like nothing had happened. maybe it's best to keep things as they are.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New chapter soon sorry this on was so short it's the first chapter so I didn't plan on putting too much action in it.  Chapter 2 will be coming maybe tomorrow or in a few days. I plan on making it a lot longer and more action packed :)

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