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Hey guys it's been a really long time since I updated. Almost a week! I'm really sorry about that. A lot of work goes into writing and editing these chapters and school work is piling up on me. Updating once a week will definitely not be a permanent thing. For now the intervals are going to be a little longer. Thank you for understanding. I will do my best to get out at least one a week. Thank you for your support. This chapter IS PG 13 at one part so you have been warned in advance. Also thank you for your comments they're all really supportive and make my day.
Riza's POV

We finally arrived at his apartment. "Sorry for the mess." He apologized. I stepped over a pile of dirty clothes he carelessly left on the floor. "This place is a mess," I scolded, "honestly sir, I don't know how you live like this." "Don't call me sir." He said. "We are not at headquarters so you may address me by my first name." "I believe that is a sign of disrespect sir." I replied. "Well then I order you to call me by my first name when we are alone." he said "It will not be disrespectful, it will be your duty." I couldn't help but smile little. "Very well then," I said "Honestly Roy, I don't know how you can live like this." I corrected myself.

He started to give me a tour. First he showed me the kitchen. It was the one room in his house that did not look like it was hit by a tornado. Probably because he never cooked. Next he lead me into the living room. I froze at the lighter from before. "Oh I'm so sorry Riza" he said as he picked it up. "I didn't think you were coming and-" "Why? I cut him off. "Why did you keep it?" "I already told you," he said "I use it to remind-" I cut him off again "Roy Mustang, I know you better than anybody else. I even know you better than you know yourself. So I know when you're lying." He sighed, put his head in his hands, then sat down. "The first time we were in the fifth laboratory," he started "The day I almost lost you. I broke you down to tears and caused you to give up. I've vowed never to do anything like that again. I didn't keep my bow but I use the lighter to motivate me anyway." A single tear trickle down his cheek he brushed it away and sniffed. Then he sat up and looked me straight in the eye. "Why do you care so much si- er I mean Roy?" I asked. He looks so hurt, I wanted to hold him. "Because I lo-" he cut himself off. "I want to protect you" there was a long pause of silence. " I really should be getting to bed." I said exiting the room. "Goodnight Riza!" he called to me. "Goodnight Roy." I responded

~~~the next day~~~

I woke up to the beeping of an alarm clock. Roy had let me borrow his the previous night. I pushed myself into my wheelchair and went to brush my teeth. I only had a week or two until I would be able to walk on my own. Roy entered my (or should I say his) room. "Good morning Riza!" He said then immediately jumped back. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were in your pajamas!" "Don't worry Roy." I said, "All of my clothes are in my old apartment anyway. I guess I'll just have to rewear my old ones." "Nonsense!" He said, so enthusiastically it worried me, "I'll buy you some!" "Oh I would never-" but he interrupted "It's on my way." There was no point in arguing, he was so persistent. I felt like he was plotting something. The smile on his face was the same smile that he wore when we were both teenagers. It was smug and something wasn't right. After he left I decided to clean up a little. He had a lot of books about Ishval. He may be a slacker, but he did have a lot of work to do.

~~~a few hours~~~

He finally returned home. "I'm back!" He called as he entered the house. "Woah, you didn't have to clean up for me." " It's the least I could do." I responded. He handed me a pile of clean clothes. I finally realized what he had that smug look on his face. I should've known that there would be a catch because on the top of the pile there was a miniskirt. I grabbed it and threw it back at him. "You can return this." I said, "Not yet, you need to try it on first." He said with the playful grin on his face. "That isn't necessary." I said "Trust me it's not my style." "Don't make me order you to." He said, jokingly of course. The military has strict fraternization laws. We would both be kicked out in the blink of an eye. "I'd rather wear my dirty clothes, but nice try." "A man can only dream."
He said.

~~~A few weeks~~~

By that time I was finally able to walk on my own. Physical therapy drained most of my energy. Roy was cleared to go back to work so I was lonely most of the time. On the bright side the investigation at my apartment was wrapping up. Although, it would be even more lonely for me to move back. The Colonel was good company and I would miss his smile. I became quite comfortable with calling him Roy. That would be hard to relinquish when I started to go back to work. The sky was Pitch black except for the moon that illuminated the night sky. I lay down in the guestroom bed and shut my eyes. I soon drifted into a deep sleep.

I was in a familiar place. The warm air carried the scent of death and decay. They were screams, cried, and worst of all, gunshots. No doubt about it I was in Ishval. The bodies piled up. Our Amestrian military was ruthless. "No survivors" Those were my orders, "Not one enemy can slip away." Being a sniper was the worst. The enemy wouldn't expect your attack. Unlike the other soldiers who often fired blindly at the enemy, when a sniper pulled the trigger someone was sure to die. Snipers were like thieves, one slight movement of their finger and they could stop someone from existing. Not even children were spared. It was a hell on earth. I desperately wanted to not be part of it. We were supposed to be protecting our citizens not murdering them. The sand was so blood soaked it was almost red.

I woke up with a jolt. I was hysterically crying. "Hey! Hey now it's ok." Roy said pulling me into a hug. "It's over now. Shhhhhhhh" "What happened?" I asked between sobs. "You were screaming and crying in your sleep. So I woke you up." He said. "Was it Ishval?" He asked. I buried my face into his chest, still sobbing."We are horrible people!" I cried. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. He combed my hair with his fingers. I could hear his heartbeat. He was so comforting. "We are not horrible people. I don't deny that we did horrible things, but that does not make us horrible people." he said. He slipped his hands into mine. "We need to be grateful for what we have, and not get caught up in how unworthy we are." he said. His warm embrace comforted me. The sobs started to subside. "We don't have anything to be grateful for." I said. That sounded rather pessimistic. But it was true. We had no family, hardly any friends, and very little freedom being in the military.

He pulled me away and look to me sternly in the eye. His eyes were like coal. He was focused on me. They told me he was serious, but I could see deep down in his eyes there was concern. " Don't say that," he said gravely, "It's not true. I am grateful for you every day." Now it was his turn to cry. Sadness started to overwhelm him. I couldn't comfort him like he could comfort me. He Turned away from me. Then turning back he said "Riza Hawkeye! I am in love with you!"
A/N I can't believe we finally are at this part I've been planning for a while how he would tell her and now it's finally here!

Before I could even fully comprehend what he had said, he pulled me in for a kiss. My lips met his. He pulled me in closer and I wrapped my arms around his head and pulled him in too. I didn't consider the consequences. I just acted in the moment. The kiss turned rough quickly. He moved his hands down to my waist and grabbed the bottom of my pajama top as if he was asking for permission. I continued to kiss him as if I was granting him permission. He pulled my top over my head, breaking our kiss for a second. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. I nodded then pulled him in closer. There isn't anything else I want more. Then, having my consent, he pushed me onto the bed and began to kiss my neck. How could something possibly be wrong if it feels so right.

Hehe sorry but I had to cut it off there. Didn't want things to progress too much. But you get the point. Hopefully I'll get more chapters out soon and I've been trying to find ways to incorporate other characters into the story. Führer Grumman will be making an appearance soon. Please comment what you think. I love to hear your feedback. Until next time!

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