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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I took so long to write this chapter. I've been having a little bit of writers block lately. I know I know that's no excuse, especially after leaving the story at such a big cliffhanger. This chapter will definitely be longer to make up for it though.
Roy's POV
I carried her all the way to the hospital. I had never been so scared in my life. After arriving I immediately handed her over to a doctor. "You have to save her!" I said. My hands were shaking I was trembling. "We will do everything we can." The doctor responded. Then he rushed out of the room with her. That wasn't very reassuring.

Dammit. This was all my fault! A young, pretty nurse saw me pacing and walked over to me. "Sir please come down." she said. I was in shock. I was covered in blood. I must've looked pretty helpless, maybe even crazy. "Let's get you cleaned up. The blood will be hard to wash out once it's dried. If you come with me I can show you to our show-" "NO!" I screamed at her, rather rudely. I knew that she was just trying to help, but I didn't want her help. I wanted to be alone. I felt horrible and the last thing I wanted was somebody trying to tell me that what it wasn't fault. "Ok sir," she said "Please sit down with me. The doctors are doing everything they can. All you can do is wait now."

I plopped down into a chair next to her." She can't die! You can't let her die! Please!" I said to the nurse I held onto her and started crying into her shoulder. She comforted me. I knew that I was making a big scene, but I couldn't help it. "Think of a nice memory of the person." she said "It will help calm you down."  I decided to take the nurse's advice.

It was Riza and my senior year of high school. Prom was coming up. Riza had decided not to go to prom. I didn't even think she owned a dress. I, on the other hand, had been looking forward to prom for a while. I had even managed to get the prettiest girl at school to go with me. On top of all of that I was nominated to become prom king. Needless to say I was really excited. Everything had been going fine for me. That night was going to be the best night of my life. I was walking to master Hawkeye's house when I saw my prom date and some of her friends. I couldn't tell what they were doing. Upon closer inspection I saw that they were beating up another girl. No, they were beating up Riza. "Hey!" I shouted. "What the hell are you doing? Stop that!" I got really protective over Riza.  She was my best friend after all. She wasn't very popular like I was. "Don't worry Roy," my prom date said, "don't waste your time on an ugly nothing like her." Something inside me snapped. " Riza Hawkeye is more beautiful than you'll ever be!" I screamed at her. I was shocked at what I had said. "You're a bastard!" She screamed. "There's no way I'm going to prom with you anymore!"  Then she ran away crying. "How dare you." One of her friends said done shortly followed her. The other one just glared at me.

I instantly helped Riza up. "You didn't have to do that. I know how much you wanted to go to prom with her." she said. "Don't worry about me. If she was rude to you there's no way I would've wanted to go to prom with her." I walked her all the way home. Once we got there I put some ice to her head. "What are you going to do about prom?" She asked. "Well I was elected for prom king. So I guess I have to go. Even if I have to go alone." 

I ended up going alone. Prom wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would've been. My ex prom date was parading her boyfriend around all the time. It wasn't hard to tell that she was trying to make me jealous. And it was working. I was about to turn back and go home when somebody walked into the room. The person was beautiful and it seemed like she was walking straight towards me. It took me a while but then I finally recognized her. It was Riza. I had never seen her an a dress. She looked so beautiful. I was shocked that she came.

"May I have this dance?" She asked me. "You don't have to do this." I said. "I want to." She said " It's the least I can do for you after all you have done for me." The dance was amazing. I had secretly wanted to slow dance with her since the moment I had met her. I ended up having a magical night, even if it was with the girl that I didn't expect it to be with. I think I even managed to make her jealous.

I was definitely calming down a bit. It was comforting to think of Riza. I really missed her. All of the waiting made me so anxious. I wish there was something more for me to do. I thought of when she agreed to join the military.

We were at her fathers grave. Her father was upset when he learned that I had joined the military. I expected her to feel the same way. Dogs of the military. That's what state alchemists were called. But, surprisingly, she wasn't angry. In fact she said that she would join with me. She asked me if she could trust me with her father's research notes. After I agreed she took me into her room and closed the door.

I have to admit I was happy and surprised when she started to take off her shirt. But then she turned away from me and I could see her back. Her father's research notes were tattooed onto her back. I studied and learned every inch of her back. All of that extra studying brought us even closer. Although it was very awkward for both of us. Every day I had to pretend as if she wasn't half naked in front of me.

Remembering how awkward I felt made me chuckle. We were both so young at the time. We were so naïve. After the nurse had seen that I had calmed down she left me.

I sat there twaddling my thumbs. She has to be ok. I couldn't live with myself if she had died. She had brought me so far. She was a part of me. Wait. Had this whole time. Have... Have I... Have I been...In... Have I been... Have I been in love with her?

I felt something bubbling within me. The realization took me. I felt joy and happiness for the first time since I joined the military. I had forgotten with this feeling felt like. My heart seem to be bursting. But right as things became good for me everything went spiraling out of control. It was almost as if the universe hated me. Because I saw her doctor come out. I saw sadness in his eyes. I went stiff. Every muscle in my body tensed. He walked over to me very slowly. "I'm sorry." He said. I started shaking. My heart dropped.

I started to cry. I screamed and cried. I didn't care if I was making a scene. I didn't care if everyone was looking at me. "Sir!" the doctor said, grabbing hold of me. "We still have some hope. She's crashing. The doctors are doing everything they can to bring her back. I need to get back into the emergency room. I just had to tell you."  With that he rushed out. She wasn't dead yet. There was still some hope. It would take a miracle to bring her back. And miracles didn't happen to people like us. We have done some horrible things and we didn't deserve anything. Come on Hawkeye! You have to fight this.
I hope this chapter was well worth the wait. The next one shouldn't take as long as it took to put this one out. What did you guys think? Please leave me a comment.

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