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I don't want to give too much away about this chapter but it definitely has a lot more to it than the last one. I know I said I'd update this weekly but I was bored and decided to add this part early. Also to the people who haven't seen fma:b I've  decided to put in some flashbacks to help people understand the story better. I've also decided to switch point of views so instead of third person this story is going to be in first person. Just experimenting. This is also going to be more pg13 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Enjoy the story!
                         Roy's POV
The next day at work went normally. Many people congratulated Riza and I on our recoveries. I managed to get some of my paperwork done and didn't slack off too much. It was raining again. I hate the rain.

Many people laugh when they hear that the frame alchemist, unafraid of  humunculi, is terrified of something so harmless as the rain. I'm not afraid of the rain itself. I'm afraid of how the rain affects me. As a flame alchemist I am not able to use my alchemy in the rain. If I were to be attacked while it was raining I would be defenseless. I wouldn't be able to protect myself.
The sound of the rain reminds me of the time that I was almost killed by Scar.

A while ago, on a rainy day, there was an Ishvallen murder known as Scar in the area. Scar only killed state alchemists and the people who interfered. Scar was in the middle of a fight with the young state alchemist, Edward Elric, when the military interfered. And what I mean by "in a fight with"  I mean about to kill. Scar may have taken down other state alchemists but he wasn't going to take down me. I challenged Scar and handed Lieutenant Hawkeye my gun. "Colonel Mustang, sir!"She protested but I ignored her. Scar started to charge me and I snapped my fingers but no sparks came out. Suddenly I felt a kick from behind and fell. As I fell I saw Scar's arm pass over my head. I heard gunshots and watched Scar retreat.I turned to see who kicked me and to my shock it was Hawkeye."Hey Hawkeye! What the hell did you do that for." I yelled "You know as well as I do, you're useless on rainy days please stay back sir." She said. As much as I wanted to be angry with her, I couldn't be because she was right. She had saved my life. I hate the thought of being useless, the thought of having to have others fight for me. Especially her.

It was about time for me to go home. I realize that I was going to have to walk through the rain. Just as I was about to step into the rain I heard a voice behind me. "Walking home sir?" I am immediately recognized the voice as Lieutenant Hawkeye's. I turned and saw that she had an umbrella and was holding it over my head. "Allow me to walk with you." "That isn't necessary." I said. "I believe it is, sir" she responded. Hawkeye knew that I hated the rain. She didn't laugh or question me. She just knew that I was afraid and decided to help me."Alright." I said and together we walked to my apartment.

The walk was nice. It's been a while since I have been able to take a walk with Riza. Now that I think about it the last time we took a walk was probably when I was studying under her father. She was good company. I could talk to her for days. Whenever I talk to her I seem to get lost in her brown eyes. Riza Hawkeye is beautiful. Her long golden blond hair is stunning. Even though it is pulled up most of the time. Her coconut brown eyes are dazzling, but she refuses to let them shine. Her smile lights up the whole room, and yet she never smiles. She hides her beauty as if she's ashamed of it.

When we arrived I invited her inside "That's ok." She protested, but I insisted. She came in and looked around. I'm slightly embarrassed for her to see how much of a mess it is. She snooped around and analyzed everything. "What's in here?" she asked and motioned to a box. "Nothing you need to see." I said. She tries to open the box but it is locked. "You're no fun!" She complained.  Then she stands up and opens my  dresser and fumbles around. "Hey!" I yelled but I was too late. She found the key. "Roy you're so predictable hiding the key here." She said. She actually called me Roy. She always insists on calling me Sir or Colonel. It was comforting that she called me by my first name. She grabs the box and inserts the key. "You don't want to do that." I said but it was too late. The box was open

She lifted up a small lighter then, immediately recognizing it allows it to slip through her fingers. "Is this?" She begins to ask and I nod my head. This lighter has a story behind it that makes me shiver at the thought of it.

The lieutenant, Havoc, Alphonse Elric, and I had stormed the third laboratory in pursuit of a soul bonded to armor known as Barry the chopper.
We had to split up to try and find him. Havoc and I went one way and the lieutenant and Alphonse went another. Havoc and I were confronted by a homunculus known as Lust. She impaled both Havoc and I and left us to bleed to death. She had ripped up my ignition gloves so the only way for me to transmute was if I carved a transmutation circle into my hand. I decided to try to sear the wound shut. The pain was unbearable. My vision became blurry and I was about to pass out when I heard screaming and gunshots. I recognized that scream all too well. It was a scream of Riza. Hearing her scream was my motivation to stay conscious. Nobody and I mean NOBODY messes with my lieutenant. I follow the sound of the screen to another room and saw her on her knees crying. It was the first time I had seen her cry. After years of killing thousands of innocent Ishvallen people she didn't cry. She didn't cry when her father died either. but there she was on the floor uncontrollably sobbing for me. Not only that, but she didn't run, she didn't fight, she just laid there ready to die. Alphonse was the only one protecting her. "I'm sick of watching people die" he said " I can't sit back and take it anymore. I won't let anybody else get killed, not when I can protect them." "Well spoken." I said "I couldn't agree more." Since Lust ripped up my ignition gloves I used Havoc's lighter for a ignition. I incinerated Lust to death them collapsed. Hawkeye ran over to me. There were tears stains on her cheeks. She was a strong brave woman who didn't deserve to feel so hurt. I made he feel like that, I broke her down to tears. On that day I vowed never to hurt her again. I keep the lighter as a reminder of that vow.

"Why.....Why do you have this?" She asked. "I keep it as a reminder." I said. I didn't want to tell her the whole story because honestly it was embarrassing. I didn't want her to know how I felt about the situation and my vow. "This is some kind of souvenir to you!" She screamed at me. She lost her playful tone. Clearly I hit a sensitive topic. "No not like that!" I said. Her brown eyes lit up with a rage. " Why would you want to remember something so horrible?" "I want to be reminded of it so that I have motivation to move forward." I've never seen Hawkeye so mad in her life. The experience was traumatic but I thought she was able to handle it "STOP WITH THAT CRAP!" she yelled. This was not like Riza. She never speaks to me like that. She never lets her emotions take control of her like that. Seeing her get so angry at me caused me to snap. "IT'S NOT CRAP! YOU CAN'T BE MAD AT ME FOR KEEPING IT!"  Her eyes lit up even more. She passed the point of rage and fury and I could see in her eyes that she loathed me at that time. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" She yelled then left my apartment and slammed my door on the way out. How dare she.

I felt rage bubbling up inside of me. My anger was stopped when I heard a scream. It was similar to the one in the third laboratory but the scream wasn't caused by anger. No, this scream was out of pure fear and terror.

"Riza!" I yelled rushing out of my apartment. Where is she. "Riza!" I called again, louder and more worried. I slipped and fell. Ouch. I looked down and froze because I slipped in a pile of blood. I felt something hard under me. It was a gun. And worst of all, no doubt about it it was Riza's gun
OHHHHHHHH SNAP did I make up for chapter 1 or what? Hopefully I'll have another chapter out soon. Expect one weekly but I'll probably get them out earlier than that. The first chapter was a little weaker than I wanted it to be so I'm going back and editing it. Make sure you read it! Please like, comment and share this with your friends because it does mean a lot to me. I'll try my best to respond to any questions.

Eternal flames(Royai fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin