To live or die

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Hey guys it's been a couple of days since I updated the story. Don't think I completely forgot about it, it's just that I've had a lot of schoolwork coming up. As of now I have two essays that I need to write so the updates will be a little less frequent. I will try to keep them at once a week being the ultimate maximum time it takes for me to update. I'm really sorry about this. If any of you are wondering picture that I put at the beginning of the chapter is one that I drew. Don't worry though I'm not going to forget about this book and I will make sure to update it as frequently as possible.
Riza's POV

I was standing in that alleyway. I looked down to the floor. I was standing in a pile of my own blood. There were two lights coming in to the alleyway, one at either end. The end where I had entered the alleyway had a black light shining from it. I wanted to run away from that side. It was almost like it was pushing me away. It felt so painful. Every step I took away from it was relieving. I turned to face the other end, the one where a white light was shining bright. I was drawn to it. It was almost undescribable. There was no pain over there. There was no suffering. I started to walk over to it. My footsteps echoed through the alleyway. Each step closer something inside my chest bubbled. It was like my heart was being pushed up. The best way that I can think to describe it was that I felt complete. A blurry figure appeared in the light. I raised my fists to fight. The last time I had seen a figure at the end of this alleyway they ended up kidnapping me. I wasn't going to take any chances. "Stop!" A voice echoed through the alleyway. "You're not ready to come here yet. Go back!" The familiarity of the voice caught me off guard. "Hughes?!" I yelled "Is that you?"

I couldn' believe my eyes. It was really him! He was really there! The shock and excitement overpowered. I fell to my knees and started to cry. I hadn't seen him in so long. I missed him. The sight of Hughes blocked out my thoughts. I couldn't comprehend what was happening to me. I didn't know that I was dying.

"I can't believe it's you!" I said to him. "Turn back!" He said fiercely. "Now!" He demanded. His voice was different than how I remembered it. It had no friendliness. It was stern, cold, and serious.

I looked behind me to the black light. It sent chills up my spine. It made my whole body shake. "Why would I want to go back there?" I asked. "Because, he's there." Hughes said to me. Then he pointed to the end with the black light.

An image appeared in the light. It was Roy in a hospital waiting room. That must've been the hospital that I was staying at. He was screaming, crying, and forcefully shoving some of the doctors who were trying to calm him down. "Bring her back!" He screamed one of them. I could see the sadness in his eyes. His whole body was trembling. He looked even more scared than how he looked in Ishval. "I can't lose her!" He shouted. The look in his eyes changed from sad and angry to desperate. Seeing him reminded me of what had happened. It brought me to my senses. It made me realize that I was dying. Suddenly the white light didn't seem all too good. 

"You know he loves you right?" Hughes said. At least I knew that Hughes hasn't changed. He was always trying to set people up. It was like a hobby for him. " I'm serious," he said "and I think you know it too."

I was shaking. I couldn't leave Roy. He'd be lost without me. He needed me. Ok and I needed him. I plucked up the courage and decided to turn and walk back into the black light. "Thank you Hughes, really" I said sincerely. I turned and started walking. I felt excruciating pain with every step. It was so much for me that I couldn't even stand. But that didn't stop me. I started to crawl towards the end I screamed in pain. But I had to fight it. I had to make my way back. I was about to make my way into the light when I heard Hughes.

"Wait Hawkeye!" He called to me. The friendliness that I once remembered was back in his voice. He choked on his word says he said them. "Would you remind Elicia who I was?" He asked "I feel like she's starting to forget me... And I love her so much... And I don't... I miss her... I don't want her to forget me." He started to cry a little. I pitied him. I narrowed my eyebrows and nodded "Of Course." I said. I turned and went into the black light. I probably wasn't going to see Hughes again until I was actually dead. I got one last look at him and then he, along with everything else, dissolved away.

The echoing voices were back. "Should I call time of death?" "Wait! No! " "She's back!" "She's stable!" I didn't miss all of the commotion. "Well that man in the waiting room is going to be very glad."

My head was buzzing. I felt horrible. My whole body ached. The pain was bad, but I was still alive. And that's what mattered.
Was this chapter touching to you. My feels. I honestly felt like crying a little bit after writing about Hughes. I decided to leave out some of the really sad stuff. I really wanted him to be in my story, but I wanted the story to stay true to the manga so this was the only way I could think of adding him in. He's one of my favorite characters. Why must all the good people die? Anyway thanks again for reading.

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