First Day: Check!

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I wake up before Riley does and leaves without waking a single soul. I grab myself some breakfast at the gas station Riley met me at yesterday and then was on my way of the last stretch.
I took my time since it was only an hour and a half to two hours to Sturgis.
By ten in the morning I'm going pulling up to my hotel signing in and then loading everything from my saddlebags into my room.
I had made this room reservation two years ago when I first got Rhiannon. I knew that I wanted to go to Sturgis the moment I bought her and I had plenty time to pay off all nine days of my stay. After everything was set in my room, I took a shower and got myself ready to walk around town.
It was already crazy busy here in town but not as nearly busy as it would be later tonight.
The first thing I did was go to the restaurant that was right across from the hotel. I got a good lunch in me before I started to walk around and go into some shops. I found a gorgeous shirt that look great on me and instantly bought it.
I didn't stay in one place though because if I did I would find more things I liked which would mean I would buy more.
By three in the afternoon so many people were there and I knew so many were still coming. Tonight I would be going to see Five Finger Death Punch and Alice Cooper at the Buffalo Chip so I decided to head back to my hotel and get in a small power nap and then go eat a nice dinner before heading back out on the town.
As I was walking to the hotel I swear I saw someone familiar on my way there but shook it off and crashed for about an hour before getting up, freshening up my makeup and then grabbing my over the shoulder bag and heading back out for lunch.
So far FFDP was awesome and in about an hour or so Alice Cooper would come on stage and do his thing so I grabbed a drink and on my way back accidentally ran into someone, instantly sending the drink all over my body.
"Shit!" I said looking down my front.
"Dammit! I'm sorry, hey let me go get some paper towels alright?" I heard the guy say before he headed somewhere to get them but I didn't wait up.
Frankly it's not the worst thing that could happen so I just went back and sang and danced to the band and then Alice Cooper before trudging my way to my hotel room.
It was around two in the morning and I was absolutely wiped out. My body felt like slush and I fell asleep in my now dry clothes.

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