Having a Baby!

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I ran up to the bathroom and pulled out the pregnancy test from the cabinet.
"Oh my god." I said in a whisper.
I was both happy and scared. How would Jared react? We hadn't been trying to get pregnant but I guess when you do the deed you better expect to get pregnant.
Should I tell him now? I mean we had talked about having kids after the wedding and it would definitely be after the wedding no doubt but I don't know.
I opened my mouth to tell him to come there but nothing came out.
I shook my head.
"Let's get ready and we'll tell him later." I told myself.
I was dressed. I was also very nervous.
When I walked down stairs Jared was on the phone with a restaurant.
"Yes, a table for two." He said walking back and for.
To myself I though, well it's more like a table for three.
You'd think I would know that I was pregnant after two months but I though I had just been gaining weight.
"Yeah, thank you." He said before hanging up.
"You look beautiful." He said as I walked down the stairs.
I smiled joined him.
"Thank you." I said as I held his hand.
For a moment there, I forgot about the baby thing and I forgot about how nervous I was to tell him.
"Are you okay?" He said.
I bit my lip and my heart rate went up.
"Uh... Yeah. I just. I have something I need to tell you and I don't know how you're going to react." I said looking down at my feet.
He tilted my head up gently and my eyes began to water.
"What is it?" He asked worried.
"Y-you and I... We're going to be parents." I said and his jaw dropped.
And then he smile, and then he hugged me and my heart instantly felt so happy.
"Are you kidding?" He said and I shook my head.
I lead him up stairs and showed him the test and he cried. He cried and hugged me and told me how happy he was and that made me happy.
"I'm going to be a daddy!" He said and then he kissed me.
"And your going to be a mommy." He said after stepping back again.
He placed his hand on my abdomen and got down in his knees and kissed there.
"Hi baby." He said with a sniffle, wiping away the tear that escaped his eye.
I smiled.
We were going to be parents!

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