The hotel

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I start my day off with driving 6 hours all day and the only thing I want to do is rest for about 1 or 2 hours. So I find this little hotel sign said "Hotel Next  Exit." So I took the exit and I seen the hotel so I pulled in the parking lot. I grab my phone, wallet, purse, keys, and my drink. I lock my car and walk inside. I get in and look at the desk and there is nobody there. So I ring the bell sitting on the desk. A lady comes out wearing a bonnet and a black and white dress. I start looking around and realize this is a AMISH HOTEL! Another lady walks behind me and locks the front door. Ok I was tired but now I'm just scared. "May I please ask what is going on here?" I asked the lady behind the desk. The lady looks more confused than I do " Um......this is a Amish hotel did you not read the sign?" "No the Sign said hotel next exit." I said more confused about what sign. "Well your stuck here for 2 days and there is no getting out. Now can I have your phone , keys , purse , wallet , and drink please?" She asked nicely. " What is this for." I asked. "It's for people to understand how hard we work." "Ok fine but can I text my husband really quick so he knows where I'm at and then you and have it." I asked politely. "Sure but make it fast." She said. "There you go here is ever thing I brought in with me." I said "Ok thank
you now follow me to your room." She said walking up stairs.

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