The transportation

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After I got out of my bath I put the blacks and white dress on with the bonnet. I was fixing to go downstairs to ask how to drain the water when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over there and answered it and it was the lady from the front desk and I had to yet to know her name. " Yes can I help you?" She said "Yes come down stairs we are going to the store to take care of our animals come now." So I went. I walk outside and I see this horse and buggy. I get in and its so hot I just want to sit in my car for 2 days and not get out. I'm panting like a dog and I look over and they are all just looking at me. There is like 5 other people in this buggy and boy is it hot. We finally get to the store and everybody is looking and taking pictures of us. I look at the lady from the front desk and she looks upset. "Are you ok?" I asked her. She looks up at me and says " I hate it when people take pictures of us we are just like everybody else. I turn around and look at all the people stand on a bench near by and say " We are just like you and it would sure make my day if you all would stop taking pictures of us. If you wish to ask questions please go to our hotel down the road. It's like 1 or 2 miles from here. You will get the experience of a life time. So instead of taking pictures of us please go to our hotel and see how we live up close. Thank you all for understanding. Got down and went into the store to see the lady from the desk crying. " Why are you crying?" Nobody's ever stood up for us like that, thank you." She said still crying. "Your welcome can I ask you a question" What is your name?" My name is Katie." She said. " Ok Katie lets go shop."

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